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All diets fail. Why ? And what’s your experience with snake diet ?

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Most people are addicts as far as food goes. If you do snake diet for a few days and then go back to stuffing your fat face with carbs, processed sugars, seed oils, and plants waging chemical warfare against you of course you’re going to inflate up like a balloon again. There are options like carnivore for when you’re ready to eat again where you can eat and not easily fail but you really have to commit to it and not think you can eat processed garbage for a week suddenly without there being severe consequences on your body.


I don’t believe all diets fail, and have seen personal success with others.

The Snake Diet is super versatile. You can fast, you can dry fast and you can even dirty fast. You can choose your times, but 48s and 72s are popular. You can refeed within a specific time, you can refeed to stay in ketosis or refeed to your own specifications.

Your goal could be to lose weight, get shredded, reverse type 2 diabetes, or even all 3. There are good health benefits to fasting over time. There are good health benefits to becoming fat adapted.

You can keep this as way of life, fasting every now and again. Or it’s a one time thing to get you where you want to be. I really have found the Snake Diet to be more transparent than other diets.


Diets do not exists. It’s a silly word created by corporations to sell their products, foods, books, etc. Diet is seen as this temporary magical thing that makes you healthier and loses weight, and then what? People just “diet” for 6 months or even a year if they can even last that long, then they just go back to their old way of eating, and just gain it all back 🤦‍♂️

What people need to realize is that it’s not a “diet” but rather a lifestyle, and everyone knows this deep down. That’s why all diets fail. Society as a whole needs to change their understanding of nutrition and their relationship with food. Sadly most people don’t even know that weight loss is 90% from food and 10% from exercise. It takes forever to burn just 1 chocolate bar from running/jogging/swimming, etc…

Snake diet is called a “diet” because Cole named it that. Personally I see it as a lifestyle. I’ve done some form of fasting since 2016/2017, and even Cole says to change your relationship with food because you don’t wanna fast for the rest of your life, but why not? I don’t see why fasting can’t be done into old age, especially considering all the good it does. It’s not just about weight loss. Listen to what Dr. Peter Attia talks about. Follow his guidance too…


I think the problem is using the word “diet”. Most people say they’re dieting to lose weight etc… and then go back to eating shit. It should be a lifestyle change NOT a diet. Diets are usually a temporary fix for most people whereas a lifestyle change can be forever. I hope that made sense


I would argue that diets don’t fail, they work quite well but that long term we need to learn how to eat healthy so that when we stop the diet because we’ve reached our goals we don’t go back to the same habits that made us fat to begin with.

Snake diet works great for losing weight, but make a plan for when you’re done. It’s one reason I like keto - loose weight on it no problem, but you can also maintain weight when you’ve reached your goals. Or if you’ve figured out the actual nutritional needs of your body and how sugar is poison you can learn to make healthy choices after the diet part is over.

So it’s not that diets fail, they do exactly what they are supposed to do. It’s how you take care of yourself afterwards that people use as an excuse to say diets fail.


The long term effectiveness of the snake diet depends on why you got fat in the first place. The snake diet resets a lot of the bodily factors that make some people fat, but it doesn’t take into account that most morbidly obese people have psychological issues and overeating and food in general are just a coping mechanism for them. I finished lots and lots of 5-7 day fasts, but I gained it all back after every fast. Why? Because went back to using food to drown my anxiety. Before you fix those issues or find another way to cope you can fast for 2 years non stop, and instantly start gaining it all back.


The concept diet may have turn into something like “homework” we see it as an unwanted task…. But as long as you follow the 4 principles of a successful “eating style” it works;

  1. Elimination of refined seed oils.
  2. Elimination of refined sugar / high fructose corn syrup
  3. Elimination of highly processed carbs.
  4. Inclusion of vegetables / and or fruits (depends)

If it’s satiated oriented it will work !

Ps; i lost 50 pounds on a keto/ snake diet approach, the first 20 where with keto, the next 15 were with prolonged and mixed fasting.

The final 15 with rolling 48’s and 2 days (free) after 3 of’em.

This was a slow cut , could’ve been faster , had my ups and downs.

April 2019- November 2019


All attempts at smoking cessation fail people. For some addicts, having regular nicotine in the form of a patch or gum is more harmful than quitting cold turkey. For some, it would be impossible without.

Does that mean that abstaining failed? or did the user fail to abstain?

Likewise, if a diet failed, it was the user failing to adhere to the diet (assuming the goal of the diet is calorie restriction, like keto, IF, IIFYM, snake diet, veganism, fruitivores, carnivore, etc is.)
Sure, some diets are empirically healthier, and the point of dieting should be health, and living longer. But the “failing” point is whether you lose weight. Whether you lose weight depends on you not overeating, and that alone. Diets “fail” because addicts relapse.

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