| | Water Fasting

Allowance of non-water drinks outside of the time slot?

What is the verdict on non-water drinks outside of your eating time slot?

Not something like a smoothie of course, but assuming a 12/8, what about a cup of coffee in the morning, or a cup of tea later at night?

I’m guessing that the idea of the fast is to completely cut off of glucose intake so there might be a difference between a cup of straight peppermint 10:00 vs even adding milk or honey? Glass of juice a big no-no?

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Do what works for you, I allow myself two cups of cold brew with a tiny splash of hwc each morning, I’m dropping weight and feel in control of my eating. That’s my goals and I’m meeting them so it works for me.


In the end, you do what works for you. I sometimes have a cook zero during my fasting. It prevents me from being miserable and keeps me going. You don’t have to follow every rule, just do your best when you can

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