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Alternate day fasting and social obligations

I fast on alternating days and over the summer I will have unavoidable social obligations that go through lunch time. I have no problem fasting and I honestly enjoy it. I just don’t really want to deal with the awkward questions about why I’m not eating.

Does anyone have tips on dealing with this?

As I continue to loose weight I’m worried people will start to ask awkward questions and assume I’m doing something unhealthy.

Update: thanks for the suggestions. Yesterday I managed to just take a walk away from everyone during lunch but I’ll probably tell them I’m dealing with stomach troubles if anyone asks next time.

Thanks ladies!

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Sometimes I tell people that I am recovering from a stomach bug and I’m eating very lightly. No one wants to talk about diarrhea, but most people want to judge fasting. If they ask if I need anything I’ll say I have medication but a glass of warm water would be lovely. Makes the host feel like they have fed me.

I will also just say “I’ve eaten. Thanks.” and change the topic. If you are positive and upbeat most people will accept it and move on.


I’ve wondered if having a “healthshake” in an opaque cup would be good… really just ice water or tea but can belivably tell people that you’re doing a shake for lunch for your diet. Anyone tried this?

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