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Alternate day fasting or extended fasting?

Hi guys!

Since I believe that everyone has their own thought I decided to flair it as disucssion and not a question. But I’m jumping back on the fasting wagon, easing into it during december by starting IF and slowly increasing the fast. But now I am trying to choose my path, but not sure what I want to do.

Would you do alternate day fastings or do some more extended fasts with more time in between?

In the end, the time fasted will be the “same”. So a 72 hour fast each week or alternate day fasting? What is your pro and cons? How would you think if you alse exercised/or didn’t? If you studied at the same time?

I am really curious since I can see the pros and cons for me, but there might be some I’m missing and I want to do this optimal but sustainable.

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I think the longer fasts may have different benefits. You really repair your digestive system, go in deep ketosis/ reduce inflammation.

However, yes, they are more mentally taxing.

So I don’t think if you do 2 x 24 hour fasts it’s quite the same as 1x48 hour, but if it’s easier to do the 2 x 24, then why not.

For me personally I really only count pure fasting ‘days’ — like I fasted Monday, all day. That is usually more like 36 hours.

If I end a fast mid-day, I will eat more later usually, so I try not to count that.


In your example of fasting 3 days a week alternating or in the same block …. I believe the same block fasting would be more beneficial for a variety of reasons, but also tougher mentally. Calorically they may be the same, unless you eat 20% more on “break fast” days, like I tend to do.

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