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Alternate day fasting (rolling 36s), vs omad

So I want to cut off a decent amount of weight within the next 2-3 months and I was wondering which approach was better. On the alternate day fasts I’d eat nothing one day and then the next day I’d just eat “normally” without paying attention to the calories. On Omad I’m thinking I’d just have a 1 hour eat window. I’m just not sure as to which one puts me in a greater deficit. Although omad gives me only an hour to eat, Ik it’s not hard to pack In a lot of cals. So I’m just curious as to which would provide me a greater deficit assuming I have the same diet for both methods

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I do 36/12 and (mostly this)40/8 to.. Been doing it for 1.5 months and lost 27.7 lbs so far (did have a 2 week vacation in that period).
I try to eat low carb but not dedicated keto. I some times eat som potatos or rice for the dinner meal. So far this has worked greate for me but its a mental game keeping my hands away from food on the fasting days still.. Its getting “better” but every day the food demon tryes to convice me to get a smal snack or two


You will lose more with ADF but esp with ADF & keto or LC. I found ADF + keto + TMAD on eating days super effective. As you get smaller/lighter, your body will require less energy to run, so this is also a time to learn to eat differently so you do not gain it right back, kwim?


i do the same 36/12 or 40/8

problem was that i was gaining weight doing that, crazy, i was eating normal and drinking water and tea.

now i go keto and i dryfast in the 36 hours and also try not to overdrink in the eating window

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Categories: alternate day fasting omad alternate day calories deficit low carb keto dinner snack energy tea eating window