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Alternate day fasting with OMAD?

Hi guys. I’m sort of new to this and have been lurking and now feel confident enough to post (this seems like a good, friendly and supportive community)

I’m a 27 year old woman and currently weigh 230lbs. I’m only 5ft 4 inches so thats pretty bad.

I have two children who are 2 and 1. In both pregnancies with my boys I had gestational diabetes - putting me at a higher risk of it in future.

My diet is bad. I’m addicted to full sugar sodas and junk food.

The turning point for me recently was during a routine Brain MRI. I have a condition called pseudotumor which is rare and is usually most prominent in overweight females. My neurologist basically told me the only long term cure is weight loss.

Anyway before my MRI they weighed me and that’s when I realised just how big I am. I feel awful over it.

I have fasted in the past and managed to drop 20lbs before giving up (this was in around 2019 before my first pregnancy)

For the past week, I’ve been fasting for roughly 30-40 hours (it varies) and then breaking my fast with one meal per day and then repeating my fasting cycle. I’m finding it ok but am wondering if anyone else has had success with a similar method? I don’t binge when I break my fast, I simply eat one meal that I really want/have been craving and have a soda of my choice and then start again. I’ve never really been a binge eater (despite my obesity) so maybe that’s why. I haven’t weighed myself in the past week since the dreaded weight reality check during my MRI scan so I’m not sure if I’ve lost anything. I just know that 7 days ago I was 230lbs. I’m honestly too scared and ashamed to weigh myself again after the nurse at the hospital called out my number last week. I knew I was fat but not this fat.

I’m currently 33 hours into a fast right now and plan to eat in around 10 hours as my husband is taking me for food. I’m super hungry but I don’t want to give up (it’s currently 4am in the UK so I don’t feel like eating anyway haha) I’m also really thirsty during my fasting days. Any tips? Helpful advice?

Thank you for any answers in advance

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I like to drink zero calorie sparkling water while fasting (like buble) it keeps me full and gives me that “soda” feel. Three months in and I can’t stand actual soda anymore. I also started where you were and now I’m fasting for five-ten days with one meal and then right back into it. It gets easier!! I promise!!! Stick to it! I have kids too and I’ve found cooking/preparing food for them has actually helped to make me a mentally stronger person. I have overcome my food addiction and lost over 50 pounds.


It’s great how you are incorporating fasting now, that is a huge emotional commitment. I know you love your soda, but eliminating that and all the sugar will help you stay with it and drop the weight. I also agree with others who recommend keeping your carbs down. I find that gives me more energy and helps me lose weight. Good luck!

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