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Alternate day OMAD fasting

I’d like to hear some opinions and experiences on eating one meal every two days. Is this a viable and a healthy fasting routine as long as the meal I would eat is healthy and plentiful? I’m planning on doing alternate day fasting for the rest of this month and when I feel ready, I’m going to try to have a 2-3 week water fast and then start the ADOMADF soon after my refeeding routine is over. I have done many three to five day water fasts before, so I’m not new to fasting, just new to OMAD and ADF.

My reasoning behind the idea is, that with normal OMAD the point is to get your body in ketosis and autophagy every day, in alternate they would be just a bit longer. Now if the one meal would be a good, healthy and plentiful meal, wouldn’t this plan just be a step-up from normal alternate day fasting where you eat your calories during the day?

I would drop the alternating days after my body fat would be on a desired level and just keep the OMAD routine.

Thanks for your thoughts in advance.

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This is the fasting routine recommend in the Obesity Code, which is what got me into fasting. I think he recommended 3 days a week of either OMAD or 36 hour fasts. I’ve been attempting with limited success. It seems like I keep getting stalled due to life circumstances (job changes, vaccines), but I’ve read other posts on here where folks have had great success with rolling OMAD or some combo of OMAD and intermittent fasting, like 18:6.


I’ve been doing ADF and OMAD combined for 2 weeks now (eating one meal every 2 days) and calorie counting to lose weight. I do think that it’s viable. I’m not new to fasting but I’m only new to ADF and OMAD combined too. Well for me, I think it’s a matter of finding what works for you. I’ve tried many different ways/diets to lose weight and this one works for me the best. If you’re going to make that one meal healthy, then surely your body will benefit from it. You should definitely try!


I’ve been doing this, mostly, since I started fasting in September. I do not calorie count as I think the idea is very flawed. My one meal tends to be keto or at least lower carb, though there are times when it is not. When I do eat, I don’t restrict how much I want to eat.

Down almost 20lbs so far. Middle aged man.

I don’t plan on changing this any time soon. Typical fasting days are M, W, Sat. Typical eating days are one meal, but not always.

I am very curious to see how far it takes me.

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Categories: alternate day omad healthy fasting alternate day fasting water fast refeeding to fast ketosis calories body fat obesity 36 hour fast intermittent fasting lose weight keto