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Always-fit women, what do you eat for breakfast and how do you start the day?


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I like avocado toast (cliche I know) using whole grain bread with plenty of seeds in it. You can add lime and pepper flakes to make it a bit more interesting :)

Sometimes I’ll have oats with banana, cinnamon and pecans/walnuts too.


As a skinny fat work from home 30 something year old I just came here to say that steel cut oats are the only thing that keep me full until lunch. Do overnight oats if you don’t have 10 mins to stir a pot in the morning because they aren’t good microwaved. You can add chia or flax for more fiber, fresh fruit, cinnamon, honey etc. I’m not fit, but I frequently toy with the idea of “exercising”. It’s on my to do list.


I eat plain oatmeal everyday with seasonal fruit. Super easy and filling. I also keep frozen blueberries in case I don’t have fresh options. Just use a colander to run water over them while the oats are cooking. Avoid packaged oatmeal that’s packed with sugar!


I always eat something healthy and whole-food based so that I’m not hungry in a couple hours. Often 2 fried eggs, half a sliced avocado, and 2 chicken sausage links or maybe some sautéed sweet potato or butternut squash. I don’t usually do anything with any added sugar or super carb heavy (like oats)


I do intermittent fasting, and only eat between 2pm and 8pm.

For brunch I usually either have 3 eggs with toast/cream with fruits/avocado toast/hummus toast.

Then I have dinner at 7 pm and don’t eat until the next day.

IF is not only incredible for keeping the weight off, but it has so many other health benefits too. I also workout 3 times a week.

I have never been overweight, and a big part of it, I think, has to do with the fact that I have controlled portions. For the last year or so, I’ve also been on a low-carb diet, and it has helped me see amazing results.

Wish you all the best on your weight loss journey!


I’m assuming since you mentioned your weight that one goal here is weight loss?

What is your time allowance in the morning, and is there a reason you are asking specifically about breakfast? What is the rest of your daily meal plans like?

Assuming, again, if you have a toddler that your days are hectic, and easy and fast prep are key?


Muffins! I make a big batch of muffins on Sunday night before the week so it’s minimal work throughout the busy work week. I find you can make muffins healthier by adding in protein powder, fresh/frozen fruit, nuts or peanut butter. I love to make a double batch of morning glory muffins and freeze half of the batter in ziploc bags so that I can make the rest of the muffins the next week super easy. I also recently made savoury muffins that have ham, cheddar and spinach in them.


I’m “always fit” (still at my wedding weight 12 years later), but I wouldn’t say my breakfast plan is the reason for it. It’s a lot of sugar to be honest. I eat a bowl of plain yogurt topped with berries and granola. For the past month or so, I’ve also eaten an “energy ball” on the side (basically a mixture of oats, nut butter, dates, and seeds…thousands of recipes/versions online).

My morning routine also includes a 45 minute walk with my dog every single day without fail – it’s not strenuous but it does get your body moving and revs up your metabolism ASAP.

I attribute most of my stable weight to the fact that I don’t really keep snack foods in the house. Nearly all of my lunches and dinners are homemade, and my plate is typically 50% vegetables (the rest is whole grains and lean protein). I eat at the same times every day consistently so my body is trained not to need snacks in-between. I also exercise 6 days a week for an hour each time.

Not mentioned often, but I think getting a good night’s sleep is also a major factor. Being well-rested gives you the energy to exercise and cook homemade meals and make healthy choices. With a toddler, that may not be realistic which means you may need to find hacks to help you out, e.g. eat the same thing every day for lunch to avoid the decision-making and accidental fallbacks to less-ideal foods.


Not always fit BUT made changes and see it working. My go to is oat/chia breakfasts. I mix the dry ingredients in sets of 3, ahead of time because then I don’t have to do anything but add honey and blueberries before I walk out the door in the morning. The dry mix is 12g chia, I started doing 1/2 the serving size of Bob red mill oats which I think comes out to 25g, scoop of collagen powder, a good dose of cinnamon, cacao nibs and toasted coconut. Top off with honey and frozen blueberries (in the morning so it doesn’t get clumpy) then add liquid like 5 mins before I want to eat. I have hard boiled eggs ready for forgetful mornings. I’m not a breakfast person usually but since making it a routine I find I’m more balanced throughout the whole day/night and don’t binge or crave like I used to say night. Also buying a food scale has been so helpful. If you don’t have one I recommend it!


Big go to for me personally is eggs, often scrambled with veggies of some kind (think Spinach, mushrooms, onion, peppers, etc), half an avocado smashed with red pepper flakes and/or everything bagel seasoning, whole wheat toast or overnight Oats with protein powder added, Greek yogurt with fruit and granola. I find having a good mix of proteins and fats help keep me feeling fuller longer between meals.

I also work out 3-5x a week, most of the time in the morning before work. That being said, I am childless so an early AM workout maybe more difficult to coordinate.


(my wife answering here, as she reads this) Generally just coffee because the caffeine makes her not hungry. But if she feels like she needs something then 1 piece of toast with 1 or 2 eggs and hot sauce, or 1 piece of toast with half an avocado on it.


Sausage cooked with onions, eggs, half a bagel (with cream cheese) coffee, an apple I snack on around 10 am, and plenty of water. Also note I workout before I eat, which makes me hungry lol. Lunch is usually lighter since I continuously snack on fruit and carrots throughout the day.


I’m not a huge breakfast person. I have a hard time eating a heavy meal before breakfast or really any kind of food. It’s more for convenience than fitness, but I always have a slim fast shake with oat milk for breakfast. It’s quick, easy, not too filling, but usually holds me over until lunch. I wasn’t expecting it to taste great, but the chocolate shake tastes very similar to nesquick!


I found that I needed a quick, easy option in order to make healthy choices. So on the weekend I make oat pancakes, adding in chopped fruit, nuts, chia seeds, unsweetened coconut, collagen or protein powders sometime. Then I just toast one and eat with nut butter each morning.


I’m far from “always” fit. I’m genetically predispositioned to weigh less but not to be athletic. I gained about 90lbs when i was pregnant with my son due to a variety of issues and it took a year to get back to my pre-baby weight. I’ve actually only recently started having issues with weight gain, but I notice I gain more weight when I eat more wheat products and processed foods. The more wheat and “snacks” (even the “healthy” ones) I push out of my diet, the better I feel. My snacks are things like beef jerky, homemade protein bars, fruits, veggies, guac and cucumbers, hummus, stuff like that. No sodas. No cereals. I don’t even eat oatmeal except when I have to make breakfast for a group of people because it also irritates my gut. I usually have a smoothie or something like sweet potato rounds with eggs for breakfast instead.

The best place to start is with a protein+2x veg setup for all your main meals, with one serving of protein being about the size of your palm and each serving of veg being a heaping cupped handful. Eat whole food snacks like guac, hummous, fruit, blah blah.

Second thing you’ll want to do is pick up some kind of athletic hobby. Jump rope. Running. Biking. Martial Arts. Weightlifting. Something. Even crossfit once a week is enough to kick start things, but if you can get it in twice a week, even better. I personally recommend Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Not a lot of women in it BUT as a woman, I love it. It’ll make you very strong (if you put the effort into it) and it’ll give you very solid real-world-applicable self defense skills. each class can burn like 600-1000 calories too. It’s intense! Judo, wrestling, and Sambo are also good options. I personally find that going to class and socializing gives me more motivation to go to class in the future too. YMMV!

Anyway, the TL;DR is to yeet everything out of your diet that is highly processed or junky and get in some moderate exercise for an hour 2x per week.


I know this isn’t an answer to your question but I just wanted to share that I started intermittent fasting 3x a week for 36 hours each and going on a healthy fiber and healthy fat filled ketogenic diet and I lost a lot of weight.


Whatever is heavy, fiber rich and satiating.

I always start the day with warm water because we have gone through several hours without any water, and is amazing for our digestive systems.

Anything that includes whole grains, fruits, and some amount of protein/fat/greens. Feel free to mix and match, I’m not a stickler for macro balance in every meal, just some balance throughout the day across all meals


I always have my iced breve latte with a banana and something high in protein, usually low sodium Boars Head deli meat like turkey or chicken. I’m a picky breakfast eater, so I may not be the best example. If you like eggs, I would eat those. Also, I snack regularly on (usually) Brazil nuts. They curb your appetite and keep you from eating junk.


iced coffee or tea

I take my meds right after using the restroom with water like clockwork

drinking water is huge!

oh, and I do my set of stretches, even on my bed before waking up, and some standing up

if you have enough time, go for a little stroll outside to get some fresh air

I usually eat leftovers from the day before, and fruit


I just wait to eat until lunch and have coffee with a bit of oatmilk in it in the morning

When I do actually get hungry in the morning I have 2 sunny side up eggs with a piece of whole wheat toast for dipping


My breakfast every day is oatmeal sweetened with honey with a tablespoon each of milled flax and hemp seeds in it. For snacks throughout the day I eat fruit, greek yogurt and homemade granola. The granola has oats, almonds, pecans, pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries. I make a point of eating lots of veggies and I rarely have takeout. I do lots of meal prep and always have meals on hand in the freezer. I try and use healthier options in my cooking like brown rice instead of white, whole grain pasta, etc. I throw spinach in almost everything. Along with eating well I also work out 5 days a week.


I start my day with a smoothie that pre make the night by for — before bed I fill nutribullet with coconut water, a little Greek yogurt, handful of spinach, frozen berries, ginger, frozen pineapple. Wake up and blend !!


My gf seems to eat smaller or larger quantities of whatever she wants that adds up to a calorie amount that supports her activity level for that day.

This ranges from poptarts / literally candy to super healthy yogurt and oatmeal.


I work out 6 days a week 3 days lifting heavy 3 days climbing (sometimes 7 because I love climbing) and as a result I’m always hungry. But in the mornings when I come back from the gym it’s a protein bar and a shake, and either some Greek yogurt and grapes or a rice cake with some Turkey and Greek yogurt. Just Greek yogurt, constantly honestly


For about 350-400 calories and to be happily full for HOURS (lots of protein and fiber):

1/3 cup of quick oats, 1/3 cup of egg whites, 1/2 cup of premade Premier Protein shake (usually vanilla) and half a banana smooshed up, mixed in, and microwaved for about 3 minutes total… I then add some combination of raisins, strawberries, blueberries, more banana, honey, sugar free syrup, some nuts, granola… etc..

Takes less than five minutes and I am so obsessed, I had it for dinner last week too with a couple eggs on the side (lol - lazy evening).

Edit: My secondary go to is a whole wheat English muffin with about 1/4 of an avocado and sliced deli turkey. I’ll add in some strawberries, banana, or grapes on the side.

I also like to make a dozen egg white cups (in the oven, in a muffin pan) with spinach, mushrooms, etc. to keep in the fridge as a quick breakfast or snack.


I work out a few times a week in the mornings, so my breakfast rotates based on that. I find starting the day with anything sugary throws me off for the whole day and I’m more likely to binge eat.

Workout days: I try to make breakfast carb and protein focused. Eggs and/or avocado and/or tomatoes on quinoa toast (2). Else, Maybe a bowl of Kashi cereal (low sugar, high protein) with soy milk. Maybe oatmeal in the winter with fibre added. Leftover pizza sometimes. :)

Non-workout days: I try to limit to one carb heavy meal a day (burger & fries, pizza, sandwich) and eat pretty clean for my other meals. If breakfast isn’t my carb heavy meal, I like boiled eggs and a pile of raw vegetables. Carrots, celery, cucumber, tomatoes. Oh god, some buffalo mozzarella too. Maybe some deli meat or a peach. Very charcuterie style but sans bread.


I’m not a woman but I stay pretty low body fat with I would say a pretty good amount of muscle and a genetic disposition to being a big ole hairy bear (I’m 6,2 185 lbs and the runt of my liter). I face a cup of 2% Greek yogurt, eat a 100 cal maple flavor oatmeal packet with a small amount of natural peanut butter and a sun gold kiwi every day. You could just scale that down


Figure out if you’re even hungry in the morning. I tried eating breakfast for a period of time because people said it was better only to realize all it did was make me hungrier, earlier. AKA, I would eat more throughout the course of a day if I ate breakfast. However, on the other hand, some people need to eat in the morning. I usually drink black coffee- about 2/3 cups. If i was going to eat a meal, maybe once or twice every couple months, I usually stick to proteins/fats. I don’t like eggs, but if I did, I would eat that with sausage/bacon/avocado. Or an omelette with veggies & sausage.


Proats (protein oats, I typically use PB2 or a little unflavored protein powder and chocolate chips or blueberries), cottage cheese, or yogurt. Topped with coconut, pumpkin seeds, pecans, something to add crunch.


My wife is very fit, and we have a similar aged kid - she swears by having Greek yogurt with honey in the evening before going to bed, then in the morning does a kettlebell circuit for twenty minutes, afterwards a smoothie with peanut butter, whole milk, protein powder, oats, fruits type things.

The Greek yogurt is great before bed as it improves sleep quality, it’s a nice ‘treat’ flavour that stops snacking on less healthy things.

The kettlebell circuit she does is: 12 single leg deadlifts (12 per leg), 12 stiff leg deadlifts, 12 squats, 12 bent rows, 3 pull-ups, 2:30 rest - as many circuits of those as she fits in twenty minutes. Using a 35lb kettlebell.


I eat 3 eggs and a smoothie with: blueberries, spinach, vanilla protein powder, unsweetened almond milk, and Creatine.

I work out 7 days per week, and I am a seasoned runner who is finally diving into the lifting world. My weight has fluctuated 5-10lb depending on how crazy I go with my food… margaritas used to get me! Lol

The biggest thing I’ve noticed: you only need 30 min exercise. To cut the fat and not lose muscle, you need to weight train, eat LOTS of protein (1g/lb of ideal body weight), and be in a calorie deficit (but not forever. Try 8wk increments). You can also incorporate 12-14hr intermittent fasting to help (it also is SO good for you. Your body isn’t so inflamed). Just remember, being in a caloric deficit is supposed to be a season, not a ‘forever.’ So it will be hard, but it won’t last. Then you can go into a maintenance phase for a while.

You’ve got this!!


Hm for breakfast I usually have just a serving or two of fruit or a bowl of cereal. I don’t ingest much caffeine but when I do I am more likely to drink tea at home than coffee. I don’t really “workout” but my job involves dogs sooo one of the first things I am doing in the morning is being outside giving them walks of 1-2 miles per dog walk.

Right now I am just keeping my weight steady. After the birth of my son I did have to do some more formal exercising to lose the weight and get back to being closer to my pre-baby self. Still not perfect but I just followed along to Youtube exercise videos on my t.v. each day for at least 30 mins. I was also very active running around w/ my son at parks or the zoo or whatnot. Now I am just trying to maintain my weight for the most part.


I don’t eat breakfast. I wake up at 5.45 am and go to orange theory fitness where I run about 2.5 miles in 23 mins and then we do rowing or free weights/body weight exercises.

I eat lunch around 11 am. Sometimes, I’ll snack at 10 or 2-3 pm as well.


I have an egg, sometimes scrambled with veggies, and green tea or coffee. If I work out that morning, I’ll add some plain oatmeal or fruit. The biggest help to my weight is only drinking water/tea/coffee and keeping my added sugar under 20g per day.


Half a cup of steel-cut oats, one tbsp of chia seeds, and one tbsp of honey all in a mason jar. Add your preference of milk about 2/3 of the container. Shake it and refrigerate it overnight for the morning! Quick, simple, easy, and healthy. :)

If you get tired of just that^ you can also change it up every now and then. Sometimes, I will add one tbsp of peanut butter in the morning and stir it in before eating. Or add a tbsp of cocoa powder with the mixture and let it refrigerate overnight, and add a tbsp of Nutella to it in the morning before eating! Can do so many other things like add fruit as toppings. :)


My breakfast for the past 10 or so years unless I’m traveling, make it myself at home. Matcha soy latte with vegan collagen powder. Baby greens and berries smoothie. 1 slice of Ezekiel bread very lightly toasted and topped with manuka honey and/ or avocado slices. 1 serving of raw walnuts.

I’ll usually have 1-2 cups of matcha or green tea about an hour after breakfast. Then I do my daily pilates and sometimes I follow up with ballet exercises (I used to dance) if I have time. Once a week I like to go for long day hikes.


Workout 4-6 days a week. (With good form, high intense cardio is best for burning fat. Building muscle burns fat too but just exercising consistently is key.)

Eat healthy. Low carb or keto will lose the most fat, but just keeping it clean overall. Don’t have caloric surplus.

Stay consistent. But it’s better to do a smaller workout than ever skip a workout. And have cheat meals only a set amount of times per month.

Of course easier said than done, but that’s pretty much it.

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