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Am I allowed to change my eating window if I’m still doing 16:8?

I try to from 8 PM to noon. But the past couple days I fasted from 6 PM-10AM. then the next day 7 PM- 11 AM, etc.

Is this bad to do? My work hours fluctuate and I’m new to this. I burn a good amount of calories at work because I work in a warehouse and I am lifting heavy boxes and getting lots of steps. (That’s why I have been changing the times)

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It’s fine as long as it’s working for you. You are still adhering to the core principles of IF. I did flexi 18:6 for a year or two because my work had inconsistent hours. I lost weight. My medical check-up grades improved.


You’re allowed to do anything you want, honestly. Changing things up to get down a routine that works best for you is just how things should go at the beginning.

I will do three or four 24+ hr fasts during the work week and then whatever on the weekend and throw in a 48 to 72hr fast followed by 16/8 every now and then too. Just depends on what your goals are, and as long as you’re meetinf your those goals you’re fine to do whatever (weight loss, discipline, better focus, metabolic health, religious observance, etc. are all some examples of why one may do one thing over another).

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