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Am I hitting a weight loss plateau on ADF? Pleas help

EDIT: I have come to realize I am being very impatient and will give it a few days. Thanks all 🤍

I am a 26yo F, SW 204, CW 190, GW 154. I have been doing ADF for 3-4 weeks now with awesome results. I fast for about 38-40 hours every other day and walk at least 10k steps a day with some occasional yoga. The last few days I’ve been walking upwards of 20k steps a day since I’ve been doing some hiking. I eat between 1800-2,200 calories on my eating days and burn at least 2,400 cal a day sometimes upwards of 3,400 cal.

However the weight loss has seemingly stalled for the past 4-5 days even though I am absolutely in a caloric deficit. I’ve actually put on a pound or 2. Any advice? Should I ramp up my exercise? Am I not eating enough? Should I just be patient?

I know there’s only so much internet strangers can speculate on but any advice on ADF plateaus would be amazing I’m starting to get a little discouraged :(

Some edits for clarity:

I fast for 38-40 hours, eat for 8-10 and then fast for 38-40 hours. I supposed that isn’t really ADF and more rolling 40s?

I weigh myself at the same time every morning after using the restroom without clothes.

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Just wanted to add my two cents-

First off congrats on your progress! Second, I saw a comment you left where you said you’ve lost 14 pounds in a month. If you want lasting results, please don’t expect or try to maintain that pace. Losing weight that fast (avg of > 10lbs a month) can be dangerous and will be difficult to sustain.

Don’t be afraid of small victories as you settle into this new, healthier version of yourself.

Again, great job, i don’t wanna take away from your progress, but just wanted to offer my thoughts!


Your cycle may have something to do with it, or BMs. Around my cycle, I retain weight, then lose 2-5 pounds during my luteal phase. There’s someone who posted about this recently with a graph of how she gains 2 pounds during or before her period and then loses it all right or a bit after but I can’t find it :/


Okay First what does 38-40 hours every other day mean? Is itMonday-24hr fastTuesday-14/16r fast +eatingWednesday- 24hr fastThursday - 14/16 hr + eating

Also how are you getting this 2400 to 3,400 number?

How much weight have you lost? How consistent are you you with time and measurements of weight?


No matter what protocol or diet you follow, there will be days when your weight doesn’t budge. There will be days when it even increases a bit. The weight loss will slow down after a point, There is absolutely no way around all this. If you look at the diaries of people who do extended fasting, even their weight does not linearly decrease each day. Sometimes it even increases which can be utterly frustrating because how can weight increase when you have literally fasted all day? But that’s how it is.

You need to stop attaching too much importanceto day to day fluctuations and look at weekly/monthly trends. If you continue it, you will see a downward trend, I promise. It may not be as fast as you hoped for (it generally isn’t) but it’s still 100 times better than remaining overweight or worse gaining more weight. I learnt it the hard way after giving up on my healthy habits and regaining all my lost weight simply because I wasn’t seeing results quickly enough for my liking. Now when I look back on my trends, I can see that I was absolutely losing weight, just not on a daily basis. If I had stuck to it, I would have reached my goal weight by now. Instead I have to do over the entire thing again now.

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