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Any construction workers do fasting ?

I run a plumbing business, I want to try fasting but feel like it would be hard with a physical job, thoughts ?

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I don’t work in construction but I do about 2-3 hours of exercise (hiking is one example)per day. I’d definitely not recommend doing hard physical work without food. It can be done, but you’ll be weak and shaky for some time. After, your body might adapt, or not.


I work in construction, heavy labour most days. Ive been doing IF for about 6 years. I started with a cup of green tea in the morning, no milk or sugar obviously and then eating a banana around noon. Now I run off black coffee for my whole shift. Typically I will make myself some beans and eggs when I get home if I am hungry but usually I have enough energy to go for a run or do some weightlifting after my shift. Mostly OMAD sometimes a protein shake if I burn alot of calories. I drink alot of water. 8 ozs when I wake up and try to drink about 2-4 liters throughout my work day. I listen to my body. If I am feeling very hungry, I will have a low carb high protein snack. I find that if I eat late at night (past 8pm as Im up at 5 am) then I am more hungry the next day. Or if I have a carb heavy meal the night before. Hope this helps, just my personal experience but IF has changed my life for the better.


I’m an electrician, run my own firm.

I do a 16/8 and have absolutely no problems at all - I actually feel less sluggish in the morning, I essentially just skip breakfast, and it makes my lunch taste so much better.

The hardest thing is no morning coffee at the suppliers.

I’ve done some 24hr fasts and struggled with hunger but no issue in terms of energy level - a bonus of doing these is the mental clarity I’ve felt the following.


I am not in construction but I’m a sailor on a deep sea merchant containership, my work is often very physical and in the Sun. I have successfully used fasting to reach my GW!

I would start small doing OMAD (one meal a day) and eventually work up to 3x42s which has been my sweet spot.

I use LyteShow electrolyte drops in my water especially when I’m sweating a lot on deck and I also drink black coffee and La Croix.

You can do this!


I’m a merchandiser so I pull heavy pallets of pop and put everything on the shelf. This summer I did some 5 day fasts and when I had electrolytes I definitely felt able to do everything but I moved a little slower. And I just felt super annoyed whenever customers would ask for help or some supervisor would make an extra request. So I think the worst part was just social aspects


I would advise against it. I regularly fast and during fasts, I barely do any physical exertion outside of walking 10k+ steps a day. If you’re in a job that is very active and requires constant exertion you’d be better off just losing weight via dietary changes

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