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Any tips for fasting w/ insane commute/work schedule?

I’m in the U.S., I live in Delaware and commute to DC daily for work. 0245 - Wake up, gym 0445 - Leave for work 0730 - Get to work 1630 - Leave work 1930 - Home

I’ve been faithful to IF in the past when on a normal schedule but I’m struggling to figure out the best time span for either 18:6 or 16:8. My main issue is working out when I wake up, I like to consume some eggs/pre-workout prior then protein after I’m done. Then that cuts me off at 1000-1200 depending. Any tips on how to make the IF schedule more efficient? Maybe I just have to suffer it out until my body is used to it again lol. Thanks in advance.

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This is kind of absolutely insane.

However I work about 70+ hours a week, and this is my routine.

Wake up 6:30 coffee shower whatever. Head to office at 7:30, have a seltzer and waterEat light snack around 12:30 when everyone is eating lunch (Banana).

Eat lunch around 3-4:00 (always say I’m busy and didn’t get time).

Have a protein shake around 6:00 and maybe some other food.

Leave office at 7:00, in gym at 7:30, done around 9:30.

At home by ten. Drink lemon juice. And chamomile tea. Maybe work a bit more.

Sleep at 12.

However, what I’ve noticed is that this schedule inhirently is very difficult for IF. So I stay flexible. I often have almonds, cheese, apple or other filling snacks on hand (not junk)

I don’t stay super rigid. As long as your body is getting ketosis (and you’re working out a lot), you will come down in weight. Try to keep it to one big meal a day, and allow for healthy snacking. You’ll feel better.

I’m down 15-17lbs since December. I know there are people here that can do like (20lbs) a month, but I don’t think 5lbs a month is that bad. Clothes are getting looser, jeans need a tighter belt buckle.

I just try to sort of ensure I have at least 8-10 hours where I’m not eating. And at least 14 hours between big meals.


Wow, tough schedule. When do you sleep? I sometimes have to leave for work around 5am and get back around 7pm, but I don’t go to the gym on those days. I just do omad dinner. Any way you can work out during your lunch break?


Instead of doing 16:8 you could fast from Friday after dinner until Monday before your workout. That’s a brutal commute. I work with people who do similar and I wouldn’t swap places with them for anything.

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