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any tips for successful maintenance?

I see ppl who took all the weight off 2 years ago and still maintain.

I see ppl who took all the weight of, gained it all back, and are trying to lose it again.

The main difference I see between the two groups is moderation in eating. Like, eating 3,000 calories on your eating day balances out when you fast for 5 days … but when you trained yourself to eat 3,000 calories in a day, and then you stop fasting … it doesn’t seem to go well.

Am I right here? Can those with long term maintenance share why you think you’ve been successful keeping the weight off?

I’m 60% to my goal. I’d like to fast in a way that sets me up for success in maintenance. Thank you!!!

(Yes, I’m posting in a couple groups, i want a broad range of experience)

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It’s pretty simple don’t eat more calories than you burn. People who gain it back revert back to old eating habits which led to their initial weight gain.

How you choose to eat depends largely on how you choose to fast or not fast and if you choose to burn no calories or workout.

If your maintenance is 14k per week and you eat 3k calories 5 days a week you’d need to fast for 2 days and burn 1,000 calories

Also the longer you are in maintenance the less susceptible you are to gaining back the weight. In that regard focus on maintenance but don’t obsess about it and don’t crash diet in response to messing up.

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