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Any tips on getting other people on board with your fasting?

Im on a weightloss journey as over the last 4years ive become quite obese because of lots of medications and lifestyle changes, i have to loose 35kg, ive lost almost 3kg this month through diet changes but i want to fast and my partner hates when i dont eat(weā€™ve been together for 7 years nd hes fine with me being thin again hes not a feeder or anything) he just feels like fasting is unhealthy nd will mess with my metabolism, has anyone else dealt with this nd if so how did you deal with it?

Edit: thankyou so much to everyone whos responding i really appreciate it šŸ˜Š

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Iā€™m open about it with everyone, family, friends, anyone. If they try to tell me itā€™s not healthy, I spout some of what Ive learned about it and also tell them about the two minor injuries that were plaguing me for almost a year that suddenly healed while in the middle of rolling 72s and one 96. I tell them how much extra energy I have, so much so that Im still wired when I go to bed even when I wear my glasses that block blue light. I tell them that if one looks at our ancestral feeding patterns, we didnā€™t have food available 24/7 and that fasting was a natural part of life and that we evolved to cope with it. And if they still donā€™t get it, well, thatā€™s on them and I just keep being me. I have coworkers who mock me about it ā€œHere comes Mike with his Snake Juice! hahaā€ I simply donā€™t care. People are afraid of what they donā€™t understand. I also got crap from my wife (an RN who eats SAD and still thinks bad carbs are a healthy part of nutrition*) and after a while she just accepted that this is what Iā€™m doing. She now asks me ā€œAre you eating today?ā€ When I say ā€œnoā€, she just continues on with her meal plans and doesnā€™t give me crap, but she still doesnā€™t quite believe because if I mention it to others in front of her sheā€™ll chime in with something dismissive like ā€œItā€™s just an extreme way to lose weight fast.ā€ And I will take that opportunity to explain the other benefits as well. But again, it comes down to I donā€™t care what other people think about my path to health. Iā€™m just going to keep going and the results will speak for themselves.

* I went paleo years ago for about 2 years. In the beginning she came to me and told me she was worried because I was giving up ā€œa very important food groupā€ā€¦ grains. SMH!

EDIT: I LOVE to see the looks on peopleā€™s faces when I tell them I havenā€™t eaten anything in 3 days. Iā€™ll even bring up the subject just for that reaction. ;)

EDIT 2: When ppl ask about how I can survive on zero calories, I just smile, grab my gut, and tell them I have roughly 400,000 calories just waiting to be burned.

EDIT 3: Forgot to add that I also tell them that my physician doesnā€™t have a problem with it and as long as the electrolyte issue is addressed there is no problem.


Well youā€™ve already used the word ā€œfastingā€ with your boyfriend, so you are now fighting an uphill battle.

Thereā€™s really not much you can do at this point.

You can try to explain that regular dieting is in fact the thing the screws up metabolisms and thatā€™s why long-term weightloss almost always fails. That time restriction makes way more logical sense than restricting meal size. But his mind is likely set.

Itā€™s like trying to convince a flat earther. Thereā€™s no point. Just accept his criticism as agree to disagree and do your best to avoid convos on it.

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