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Any tips/recs for 24-hour fast?

Hey all, I am about to embark on my first full-day fast. Does anyone have any tips or recommendations, especially when things get more on the hangry side?

I’ve read about drinking teas and water, but if you have any other tips I’d greatly appreciate them.

Thanks in advance and wishing you all great luck on your journeys!

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The last time I attempted a 24 hour fast I quit at 19 because I was prepping lunch for the kids and it happened to be right when my hunger spiked. So if there are any situations where you need to be near food, prep it beforehand.

Also, I agree that low carb last meal is key along with seltzer and water. (I personally can’t do ANY sweeteners without spiking hunger, but flavored seltzer like LaCroix works for me.) Plan out lots of busy stuff. Like: wash all the laundry the day before but leave the folding and putting away for fast day.


Agree with a poster who said Just Stay Busy. With my IF, any hangry phase generally starts happening around the time of my daily workout. And my jogging/weightlifting workout staves off grellin or whatever the feeling-hungry hormone is that makes the tummy feel hungry. For me, cardio exercise would help me extend a fast to 24 hours or further if I wanted.. as opposed to my usual 18/6 or 20:4. If I’m getting super hungry a jog and general workout kills the hungry feeling.

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