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Any tips to break the sugar addiction?

Hi guy, I started IF a week ago (16:8). I need help with the sugar, I don’t mind the hunger that much, but I like my coffee sweet. I used to put 3 sugar in it. What did you guys do to keep the sweet tooth under control? For now I’m using stevia sweetener, does that make it a dirty fast?

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cold turkey.

Treat sugar as a drug and do a self-imposed rehab. Once you’ve disconnected the sugar-brain connection, you may be able to go back so some forms of it, but if it’s really a problem know, cut out all the sugars you can.


I’m not familiar with stevia but if it’s an artificial sweetener it will break your fast even if it’s zero calories because it will cause an insulin spike. I found cold brew coffee not as bad when drinking it black.


I started by moving coffee to my window (I drink it after lunch) but I have a problem with sugar. My consumption ramps up every day until it’s a good portion of my calories. I’ve found it takes about 3 days of no added sugar to kick cravings. (I still eat carbs and fruit just no cookies, candy, cakes, pastries or added sugar to anything so it’s not even that strict.

Recently during one of these 3 day resets I tried coffee with a heavy pour of real half and half and it was still satisfying and tasted great so that’s my new habit. I swear it still feels like an indulgence. The liquid sugar ( I like a good 2 spoons) was not helping me eat in a balanced way.


I used to put 8 sugar in a Turkish Black Tea tulip cup. I just quit and don’t consume any sugar for a month. It’s hard and I had some addiction response like anxiety and craving but it became better after 3 weeks.

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Categories: tips sugar coffee calories lunch carbs fruit habit tea