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Anybody using MacroFactor that has also used Cronometer Premium? Worth it?

Title pretty much asks it all, want to see if the extra money is worth it, Cronometer is pretty feature rich, in the videos for MacroFactor it seems most of their selling point is the dynamic macro adjustments, which to me isn’t worth it by itself, also didn’t like on the website that their comparisons were to MFP (which sucks shit and not hard to be better than) and then two noname ones when Cronometer is very well known and one of the more recommended ones basically everywhere, why not compare to that?

I’ll probably do the 2 week trial either way, but figured maybe I could get a heads up on whether it’s a waste of time or not.

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Unfortunately I’ve never used Cronometer but I’ve been using MF since February after many years with MFP. The TDEE algorithm is definitely the most special feature and it’s great if you’ve ever been frustrated trying to figure out how many calories you need to lose/maintain/gain. It takes all the guesswork of calculators out. I find the functionality is really quick and easy once you get a hang of all the features and gestures. Calorie tracking takes no time at all. Definitely give the free 2 weeks a try, I think it’s absolutely worth the money. The devs are really active over at /r/Macrofactor as well.


Hey, I’m part of the team behind MacroFactor. Happy to give some background info about why Cronometer isn’t included in the comparison matrix on our sales page.

Cronometer was on the comparison matrix until a month or two ago. Their CFO* apparently didn’t appreciate it, so he called and threatened to sue. Well, tacitly. The phrase, “we can do this the easy way or the hard way” was used liberally. I figure his time would be better spent focusing on improving his product than threatening small competitors, but he seemed like he was going to be a thorn in our side if we left them on the comparison matrix, so we removed them.

Carbon and RP are our two main competitors in our specific market niche, hence their inclusion. MFP and Cronometer were included because they were the two apps most commonly used by people in our audience.

However, there is still one public Cronometer comparison on the site – we have a considerably more efficient food logger.

*the person who called identified themself as “Dylan Hardy from Cronometer” – since we didn’t meet him or get an email from an @cronometer email address, it’s impossible for us to verify that it was actually their CFO, but that would be a bizarrely specific prank call, so we have every reason to think it was actually him.

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