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Anyone do 20hr fasts, count calories and also weightlifting?

I work 9-5 and just wanted to know if anyone else does this. I have about 15kg to lose. I have been doing 16hr fasts for about four years now but not completely watching what I eat.

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I’m over 500 days on OMAD. Cardio 6-7 days a week with lifting every other day. Usually wake up at 4:30-5am to get my workout in before starting work. I also track calories and every other stat possible with my smart watch and Excel. Lost all the weight (140lbs) and I’m trying to add muscle (now increasing daily calorie intake)


It’s going to get to a point (might already be there for you) where you are going to have count your calories.

I have have been leading a similar lifestyle since 2017. Work 8-4, go work out after fasted and come home and eat dinner.

It got to a point where I stalled out and had to start tracking my calories and protein intake. That point was 20 pounds ago. Been maintaining between 160-165 for the last two years because now I am fully aware of how much I need to eat.

Now I am helping people learn to do the same.

Knowledge is power!


I do it all the time. First thing is morning 30 min LISS Cardio, then 45 yoga fasted as warming up/active recovery from the day before. 1pm Eat a my highly produced homemade BREAKFAST shake (perfect macro). Wait and hour, workout for 1.5 hour, 4:30 eat big after you clean up (meal prep is key).



I average between 18-20 hours, lift fasted but don’t count calories to a T but it’s healthy food with good fats (salmon avocados etc) with protien shakes and chicken breast.

I’ve stalled with the weight loss (lost 55 so far) but December was brutal and was able to somehow maintain.


It’s better to eat after lifting. Although it never worked with my schedule,

I tried going hungry. You get used to it, but it’s suboptimal for muscle gain.

I tried working out in the evening - can’t stick to it.

So now I just workout in the am, fasted and drink a protein shake right after, and then continue with IF like the protein shake never happened

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Categories: calories omad cardio muscle dinner morning a fast recover macro chicken weight loss working out evening