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Anyone else become a nicer and more motivated person while fasting?

Hey everyone 👋🏻

I’m [31/M] with a family and a little daughter, this is the third time I’m doing an extended fast. First one was 15 days and the second 22 days. I’m now on day 5 of my third one. (Went from 104kg to 88kg (82kg when I ended the second fast but water weight etc adds a bit again). Unfortunately after 6 months of trash eating I got back to my original weight but anyways, have any of you noticed an increase in tolerance, clear of mind and motivation to do things while fasting?

I’ve noticed that I think clearer and respond more nuanced/calm in social interactions. I also clean more around the house and start cooking a bunch more for my family. I’m also way more productive at work and for some weird reason I want to call people and connect with them, increase my networking and improve my friendship with friends, it’s kinda weird haha.

In general I’m much more motivated to just do chores and do things immediatly instead of pushing it back and waiting until I REALLY need to do it.

It’s been the same every fast and people say I’m more enjoyable to be around when I’m fasting. I think it’s because I feel in control of my life and I’m taking action. It seems to start at around day 3-4 when extended fasting. Day 1-3 are horrible and I don’t think I’m a more enjoyable person during those days 😅.

Anyways, have a great day and weekend! Love to hear what you experience during fasting!

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Yes I become a little too nice and get less agitated, I fell it has something to do with me having little to no energy and my body lowering it’s testosterone production due to low calories, but who knows🤣


I couldn’t agree more with everything you just said. I’m on day 19.5 of my first ever 21 day fast. Euphoric is a word to use to describe how I’ve felt since day 4 or 5. It’s been an amazing experience and looking forward to continuing fasting in one way or another.


I notice this really quickly into a fast. I am super me during fasting. My brain feels like it did when I was way smarter seeming in my 20s. I retain info and can take it in and process it in cool ways. It is how I used to be in younger years I think. Also I do not panic, or get inner tension feelings with stress, even serious stress. It is freaking miraculous, and I agree that I am calmer, more fun and more social. Also way better at starting and completing things. Much better at work and at home I have only maxed at 4 days, and was reluctant to stop, but don’t want to over do it without a real reason. Working my way up to a week.

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