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Anyone else begin fasting after giving birth and never get their period back?

I gave birth 4 months ago. Breastfed for a month and a half. Then began keto, IF, and extended fasting. My weight loss keeps stalling unless I’m doing an extended fast and I have a feeling it’s due to my hormones along with possible metabolism slowing. My period still hasn’t returned and it’s driving me nuts. Anyone else experience this? Did you start losing again once your cycle regulated? (No I’m not pregnant again lol)

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I lost my period four years ago due to severe caloric restriction/ED behavior, or maybe my extended use of BCP, or a combination. I have spotted once or twice since but never got it back - sometimes I really wish I would. I feel a little disconnected/not right without it.


SAME HERE. I gave birth 4 months ago and I have never seen such stubborn weight-loss in my life - it’s a joke, I almost have to laugh at the scale after a while because I can do regular extended fasts of upwards 3-5 days, but if I have a slightly bad refeed, it ALL comes back on again.. in 24 hours. I know Im burning fat and have dark ketostix readings, but its like my body is laughing at me.. doing whatever it can to hold onto the extra weight, when I have plenty to lose.. 5’5 and 180lbs.

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