| | Water Fasting

Anyone else have a slow start?

I’ve done 16:8 religiously for 45 days. I haven’t lost a single pound. I do feel better in my clothes, but the scale hasn’t budged. Can anyone else relate or offer advice? I work out 4 days a week and walk a minimum of 6,000 steps a day. I have a physically active job. I drink water. I’m making an appointment to meet a nutritionist. Just wanted some encouragement to either keep going or quit. No scale changes are making me feel lousy.

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The two levers you can move in addition to diet are activity and length of fast. Increasing fast length beyond 16 hours might help reduce any insulin sensitivity you might have and allow your body to get to (and more time in) ketogenesis and burning fat.

I like the description from Jason Fung on how this fat burning model works in his “Two Compartment model” discussion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETkwZIi3R7w


There is nothing magical and/or scientific about 16:8 and if you knew how that ratio came about, it would give you a laugh.

Focus instead on calories in versus calories burned as for the overwhelming majority of us, the key to losing weight is burning more calories than you take in. There are two caveats to this: 1). In regards to fasting, the science states that there are two windows to never eat, within an hour of waking and within 3 hours of bed. 2). Depending on what you’re eating and how hard you’re working out, it’s possible to gain lean muscle while also burning fat. Such would explain why your clothes seem to be fitting a little better even though you haven’t lost any weight.


Exercising at all?
What kind of food are Intaking?

Doing so speeds up the process but to be honest it took a awhile before I really started to see a big difference and I workout 5 times a week along with fasting . So it could vary from person to person like most things everybody is different ,


Well you’re probably losing fat and replacing it with muscle. Keep at it. Sometimes the scale stays the same and that’s okay. Your clothes fit better is a good sign. Any changes in face or abdomen? Make sure to measure as well to keep track of progress. Can’t just rely on scale.


Dr Eric Westman has run a diet clinic at Duke for 22 years. Knows a thing or two. YT Westman white coat video. Also get Dr David Unwin 2 page handout. Jason Fung has hundreds of YT videos. Spoiler alert: cut the carbs, 0sugar.

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