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Anyone have any links to something showing red meat isn’t bad for cholesterol? Or is it bad?

Anyone have any links to something showing red meat isn’t bad for cholesterol? Or is it bad?

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Saturated fat increases LDL, this has been known for decades and is not even slightly controversial despite some of the steak & butter bros trying to downplay it. Other things also increase LDL, bad carbs and most animal meat too.

It’s certainly true that saturated fat from some sources, eggs as a good example, don’t appear to increase LDL but while this certainly further enhances the reality that CVD is multimodal it has nothing to do with red meat consumption, the evidence linking red meat consumption with CVD remains overwhelming.

If you have a couple of portions of very lean beef a couple of times a week it’s likely no big deal if the rest of your diet is good.


Rather than red meat itself its the saturated fat in red meat that can raise ldl cholesterol like anything else high in saturated fat. If your diet is generally low in saturated fat and your eating lean cuts of red meat then its nothing to worry about.

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