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Anyone have experience doing carnivore/paleo and IF?

Back in the fall, I lost 10 lb (and kept it off) doing the carnivore diet but then I had to move house and I couldn’t keep up with all of the cooking while packing up everything. I’ve been doing 18-6 intermittent fasting for about 3 weeks now and have only lost two pounds. I’m eating the standard American diet in my eating window and I’m starting to think that is the problem. I have about 10 lb left of pregnancy weight I want to lose and I am starting to suspect that I have to do some form of low carb eating in that window and the ketosis from fasting isn’t doing the trick. Anyone else do Paleo or carnivore during the window and did it speed up results?

(And before anyone freaks out, it’s not dangerous to eat only or mostly meat. Some people’s body are attuned to eat a high meat diet and I’m one of them. I have always felt the best when I eat a mostly animal based diet and have gotten extremely sick the few times I have dared to attempt veganism. So if you have an issue with this type of diet, please don’t comment. )

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Yes! I did keto, but was mainly carnivore except for some green veggies with dinner on occasion, and I lost 40lbs in about 6 months. That was 3 years ago and I’ve pretty much managed to keep it off with IF and “mostly” keto friendly diet. When your carnivore you’re not really hungry at all which is how I transitioned to IF. The weight just fell off me and I wasn’t really that overweight to begin with.

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Categories: intermittent fasting eating window low carb ketosis meat sick keto dinner overweight