| | Water Fasting

Anyone just started or about to start today? Going for my 2nd 3-day fast

I was gonna go for it from tomorrow because of plans today, but bad weather made me cancel my other plans so figure I may as well start now and count from last night, since I have not been eating or drinking anything yet today.
Or maybe this idea will end up too poorly planned and fail… Already feels like I cheated myself on the last drink + salt + comfort food/-drink etc, and it has only been 3 full days since ending the last fast.
If it does work out then it will be Moday to Wednesday and water/food again from Thursday morning.

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I’m doing a 3 day fast at the moment. Started last night after my final meal. Going for Wednesday which is my bday then I’m going for another one right after. My family’s cooking for me so I gotta partake lol.


I started last night! Going for a 4 day (9pm last night to 9pm Thursday). I’m not going to eat until Friday morning/afternoon bc I know I will get sick if I try to eat right away 😩 so I’ll start with water! I’m going to do my best and test my discipline (I always give up at the 50 hour mark) but we can do it together!!


About 23 hours in, my stomach is now reacting over the lack of food and water. I crashed earlier today so think it is gonna be hard to sleep tonight.
The “dream about what to eat”-phase has also started. Wondering if Sushi will ever be OK, -SO MUCH STARCH! But I love rice and Sushi. And a lot of other bad things lol


Update 2:
About 40 hours in out of 72 (or the morning after, so 80-ish hours).
So less than half the time left but it could be a lot worse hours.
I have been out for a walk and also purchased some food in advance. Time to try to forget about food again. :P

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