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Anyone notice inflammation from overly processed foods?

Not even your average chocolate bar or slice of bread. More protein bars, shakes, overly processed gluten free foods, sweeteners/artificial sugars. thoughts?

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How do people notice inflammation?

Like are we talking external tissues you can plainly see are swollen? Otherwise how would you know?

Or are we talking blood markers for inflammation like CRP or IL-6 I’m blood tests taken after eating certain foods?



If I have too much sugar in particular, my eczema will flare up and my skin just isn’t as clear

Since I normally eat relatively healthy, I really notice a difference in my body when I’m eating more processed foods


I’m not a nutritionist.

I was experiencing pain in my abdomen and stomach cramping after every meal for a really long time. It made eating really depressing, which sucked because I consider myself a foodie. I just plain didn’t want to eat anymore because it always resulted in pain/discomfort.

I also couldn’t eat normal amounts/portions of food in one sitting. I had to eat a small amount, and then 2 hours later eat a little bit more because I was hungry again. It was a similar experience to people who get that stomach weight loss surgery where they take out a big portion of your stomach- but I didn’t do that surgery.

My gastroenterologist advised me to make every single thing I eat in my own kitchen, pretty much from scratch. So every breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and drink I was supposed to make myself. I also had to use fresh ingredients as much as possible. So no canned/packaged anything. Even if it was a fruit or vegetable- I needed to get it from the actual produce section.

He said that he thought that all of the processed food and preservatives and whatever else people put in our food is most likely causing the pain/discomfort.

So I did what he advised. I didn’t really change my diet- I had already stopped eating at fast food places for awhile and had also already been calorie counting and eating more vegetables an proteins. But I made everything at home with fresh ingredients. Typically when I would start a new diet in the past, it would take months for me to notice a difference, if any at all. But after eating everything homemade, I noticed a positive change in as little as a week.

I had no more pain with eating and I was able to eat normal amounts at a time. I felt really happy at first, but it really just scared me as well. What are they putting in our food? Did our bodies change too much over time and evolve, and some of us are just too sensitive to eat normally?

There’s definitely a problem here, I’m just not sure what it is, but I just know that I’m not comfortable eating pantry items for probably the rest of my life.


I didn’t know I had inflammation until I didn’t have inflammation. I did a lot of cleanses and diet modifications and then messing up and having inflammatory foods and how that felt. It took time and attention.


I’m not sure but I do notice elevated blood pressure. Most processed food has an extremely high sodium content… Definitely gonna switch to a more Whole Foods diet, and cut my salt intake. I’ll do anything I can to avoid being put on blood pressure medication.


Of course those foods cause inflammation in the body. Half of what you listed are created in a lab. Anything that is unrecognizable by the body will cause inflammation. Most protein bars and protein shakes are filled with artificial ingredients and lack bio-available nutrients. Artificial sweeteners have also been shown to cause many diseases in the body.


Oh definitely! That’s why I’ve pretty much stopped eating any processed food; make all my own from scratch.

Ever since, my joints and knees have stopped hurting. I feel like I have way more energy. I don’t crave crappy processed food anymore.


I notice that. I’m 25 years old, healthy, 105 lbs. Lift weights and do cardio every day. I feel pain in my surgery site where my doctor made my broken hand even worse. It’ll never work right again. The pain is agonizing at a 10/10 if I eat badly. It’s only at the normal 7-8/10 when I eat healthy 98% of the time


Totally. Consequently I hardly eat “gf” products anymore. Whole foods are much safer for my overall health, including the much villified by classic nutritional ideology fuel/ fat sources. But I am gf, DF, processed sugar free and soy free, so basically very little pre-processed foods agree with me. Additives make me unwell in various ways from mental health, to emotional overreaction to skin and gut issues, just not worth it.


Eat as much raw as you can. If it comes in a box or can it is probably not good for you. Read the labels, if it has a bunch of crap listed you do not understand then don’t eat it. Stay away from white sugar. It’s a hidden killer. Use gluten free products, keto breads…

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