Looking for people’s experiences, who have been fasting on weekdays (at least mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays) and eating on weekends (fridays, saturdays and/or sundays) for every week for a longer period of time (> 3 months).
Can you share your experiences? What made you follow this schedule, how much water do you drink during the week, what are improvements you have noticed, what keeps you doing this schedule, are there any negative effects you have noticed, have you had gallstone issues, what do you usually eat on the weekends, how much approximately would you say you eat on the weekends (in maintanance or weightloss or weight gain?) and so on.
Kind regards,
I do this. I Feel fine but for me it’s not great for weight loss in the long term. ADF is better for fat loss, at least for me.
OMAD plus normal eating on weekends allows my body to keep my weight in homeostasis, which isn’t ideal since I’ve finished my bulk and I’m trying to cut.
I’ve decided to change up my fasting routine as a result.
I did that. It was too much for me. I craved food monday to thursday with my mind being so distracted. I caved in early on friday, usually binged on sugar then got glued to the throne for most of the weekend. I lost muscle mass and after I binged my stomach increased in size giving me a rather unattractive appearance. and I always dreaded mondays as it was depressing thinking about not being able to eat again.
Sorry, that’s the truth. Fasting, while it isn’t the worst thing in the world, wasn’t that great for me. I much prefer keto omad. I can skip food for a day or two, but consistantly 4-5 days a week is probably a bit excessive. Also, control your refeeds, you still need to avoid junk food or its all for nothing.
Dont let what I say deter you. I think there is good merit in fasting and if it works for you do it, I just feel that I did it wrong and fasting is only one aspect to a healthy life style. sometimes, less is more.
Never did this for months straight, but would instead do it in a few week cycles, where I’d maintain this schedule for 6-8 weeks and would then take a break. I did work to keep it keto on the weekends and that definitely helped. I don’t do this anymore since I now wfh, whereas before i had a more active job that would keep me distracted. I did lose a fair bit of weight and have since regained (see: wfh, sedentary job). While i was doing it, I found it to be pretty easy to stick to. I would start to become a lil food obsessed during the week, but would actually look forward to mondays during the weekend since I knew that i could take eating off my plate and focus on other things. would drink water, making sure to take in enough electrolytes (bought mag, potassium pills on amazon and would take those in the morning). Would also drink a fair bit of tea and black coffee to keep me somewhat entertained.