| | Water Fasting

Apple cider vinegar

Can I drink water with apple cider vinegar in the morning, before I break the fast, or is this off-limits?

Also, how soon after starting a 16:8 plan do people usually start seeing progress?

I am just starting and trying to get psyched up for this.

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I’ve heard the same that you can use apple cider vinegar while fasting.

I started IF about maybe two weeks ago? I’m down by 6lbs. The first week I only lost two lbs. give yourself two weeks to start losing weight.


>Can I drink water with apple cider vinegar in the morning,

Yesss!!! You can, it can actually help your digestion if you drink it 30 mins before you break your fast.

Or if you’re not planning on breaking your fast in the morning, you can still drink it.

I drink my ACV twice a day

1 tbsp morning and before I sleep

So don’t worry! It won’t break your fast

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