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Are bran flakes a “good” type of carb?

I’m starting a weight loss journey and trying to sort out my calorie intake. For the most part I have a pretty solid meal plan, with high protein and high fibre, my only question is, are Bran Flakes good? I’m trying to avoid processed carbs but I find it difficult to get 30g+ from just veggies and beans and rice. The bran flakes are 18g of carbs per serving, with 4.5g of sugar and 10.5g of fibre.

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Wheat bran is a phenomenal source of fiber; it is actually the best way to get insoluble fiber through your regular diet. However, most wheat bran cereal has a lot of refined sugar added to it to make it more palatable. If you can find some that doesn’t have added sugar it would be a good choice, but usually that means going to the baking section instead of the cereal section.

I have had some luck with finding shredded wheat (the hay bale looking things) that wasn’t sweetened, but it was pretty unpleasant to eat.

I ultimately wound up switching to oatmeal, which is second best for fiber content but much easier to eat unsweetened. I also cheat and just take a soluble fiber supplement as well, but that’s because I seem to need a higher-than-normal amount of fiber to avoid mystery abdominal pains. Soluble fiber supplements (Benefiber/wheat dextrin, Citrucel/methycellulose) are really easy to add to your diet though, they dissolve completely in water and have no effect. Can add it to your morning cereal; I put mine in my coffee.


Generally try to avoid processed foods like breakfast cereal, but if you’re like me and just enjoy them and want a compromise - try Grape Nuts. They have like 1-3 ingredients, can’t remember exactly, and nothing bad added to it. It’s not sweet at all, but if you use milk it works pretty well, I add flax meal to give it some extra fiber, and a touch of maple for some flavor.

Again, not “healthy” but you can do a lot worse in this category of food.


As much as this sub hates to hear it, there are no “good” or “bad” foods. Food doesn’t have moral value. There are more or less nutrient dense foods, and more or less calorie dense foods, but there’s no objective measure by which foods are “good” or “bad.”


First things first, there is no good or bad type of carbs. Sure some types are better in general with more benefits, but don’t try to avoid food because you think it’s “bad”. If you have a balanced diet (adequate protein and fiber) you can eat food that helps you stick to your meal plan. Bran flakes have a good amount of fiber per serving


I wouldn’t eat anything from a box and consider it a good carb, with the exception of oat meal.

I define good as “ not processed” and bad as “processed”

Eating good carbs such as bowl of fruit is going to be better than a bowl of cereal.


Based on the ingredients and nutrition label, I’d say bran flakes are a pretty healthy choice (at least my PC blue menu brand one is). Lots of fiber and not much sugar. I like it with some freeze dried strawberries and oat milk.


Yes. Most of these answers are dramatically overthinking this. Is it the absolute healthiest thing you could eat? No. But it’s pretty good. Bran flakes beat out almost every other cereal and probably many other breakfast foods. They have fiber, not too much sugar, and some protein. Good enough if you ask me.


Hi there fun.

I wish you all the best in your health gain, and weight loss goals.

Before i continue, if you don’t mind. Have you considered a lifestyle change.

Eating more high water, high fibre, high nutrient, and low caloric density foods is great.
Calories are how we buy nutrition, vitamins and antioxidants. And if you happen to be a glutton, you will be able to enjoy hundred of grams of food a day, while the fat melts off you.
I dare you to try and eat 1000kcals of low fat plants, you will be eating until your next birthday.


>Are bran flakes a “good” type of carb?

We all have different values, insights, and definitions. On the grand scale, I would argue no.

I would consider bran flakes to be a “decent processed carb, that can be enjoyed as part of a healthy lifestyle.” It is better than cocopops, but not as good as wholewheat oatmeal.


>I find it difficult to get 30g+ from just veggies and beans and rice.

I am surprised, and confused. How is that possible? Are you saying currently you need better recipes because the food you have access to tastes horrible.

or it is physically impossible for you to eat 125g of rice, and 58g of beans? Which would provide 38g of carbs and 9g of fibre?


Regarding leafy greens enjoy as much as you want guilt free, you might need to start off easy, like 30g a day, and work your way up, but you have no need to count their calories, a 90g bag is only 20kcal. compared to 5g of butter, which is 35-45kcals.you could eat a a kg of leafy greens and still not hit 300kcals, compare that to a slice of pizza..

You can consider veggies a bit more, but 135g of mixed veg is still only 61kcals.

I hope you have a long healthy happy life, take care.
Any questions, hmu.


\Edits: re read question, my post was not fit for purpose.**


There are healthier options for cereals out there such as oatmeal which won’t spike your blood sugar as much as boxed cereals which contain higher amounts of sugar and preservatives, even high levels of sodium in some cases. Look into wholegrain/complex carbs for a healthier start to your day 💪


Superhero Nutrition

Check out the book in the above link, page 40 (page 36 of the pdf) gives you some good options if you’re interested.


Food doesn’t have a moral alignment. Carbs are carbs. Yes stuff with processed and white sugar may not be as great for your overall health in the long run. But overall most people can probably discern what they should put in their morning shakes sometimes or not.


The only bad carbs are nutrient void processed carbs like sugar, high fructose corn syrup and the like (I guess you could include white flour too which isn’t ideal but I think it’s still way better than pure added sugar), any other carbs are fine as long as you’re not over eating or don’t have specific health issues


I think bran flakes are a fine option and are an especially good source of fiber. Be careful with the sugar content (with the milk included) but the one you’re looking at isn’t particularly high, and if you’re struggling to keep up with carbs already it probably won’t hurt.

There are a few versions that aren’t sweetened if that’s what you’re looking for, just have to check a few labels. Grape Nut Flakes is one that comes to mind but I’m unsure of other bigger brands.

You also mentioned having trouble finding good carb sources, so I might also suggest fresh potatoes as another option.

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