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Are there any foods that improve brain performance?

Got an exam tomorrow and wondered if there was an optimal food you should eat, regarding cognitive performance, concentration and attention. I heard that walnuts are good for your brain but I havent seen a study for it

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Avoid things that will give you a blood sugar crash mid exam eg. Bread, pastry’s, chocolate. Try to get some protein in. Also if you can fit in 30 mins of exersize it has been shown to have an imitate effect on concentration, productivity and mood which will last through the day. Good luck with your exam!!


Above all things, get good quality sleep.

For nutrition: Nuts and berries, Sardines, Green leafy veggies. Take multivitamins… supplement B12, B6, and/or B-complex. If it’s the winter season, supplement additional Vitamin D.

Coffee will help stimulate, but the things above will improve quality of Brain function.


There’s an article at Harvard.edu that berries, walnuts, fatty fish, green veggies and tea and coffee improves brainpower. I would also include a good nights sleep and exercise to that. Good luck on your exam!


Hey buddy, food scientist here, did not see anyone answering your question correctly just yet. So make sure you eat some low GI carbs. Oatmeal is great, include some protein too it will help to slow down glucose blood levels even further. It’s not gonna help with cognitive function but it will help you not to crash in the middle of the session. What does have positive effect on it is caffeine, just make sure you don’t overdose it 500mg a day is safe amount for most healthy adults. Don’t take more than 150mg if you are not used to it. Good luck


Just get up on time so you’re not rushing, eat light so you’re not stuffed, and drink some coffee if you typically drink coffee.

There is no food that’s going to make you extra clear-headed or anything, but eating too much will make you feel sluggish and waking up late and rushing around will make you anxious.


Honestly, being fasted is your best option (provided you won’t be distracted by hunger).

Tonight, eat a big meal full of healthy fats. Personally, I would go for a big salmon fillet (including the skin) and 3-4 eggs. The fats and proteins will keep you sated, so you aren’t suffering from hunger in the morning. Omega-3 fatty acids are linked with brain performance.


coffeine stimulates the brain, but doesnt increase the quality… if youre someone that doesnt do many mistakes, coffee can be a booster for your output.
Walnuts provide a high amount of healthy fats and the bitter parts and antioxydants or something like that also have a positive effect on the brain.
Sport is the best enhancer, it clears and sorts the brain but also makes it faster.
on long learning sessions cooling down with a cold water etc. is also a game changer.


Water, sleep, avoiding sugary/excessive caloric consumption.

Every food-specific comment in this thread will be bullshit. Even long fasted bouts (which is NO food intake) has been proven to increase brain performance; your body will want to increase its ability to seek food during a fasted state.

That aside, simply just maintain a healthy diet to avoid being DEFICIENT in anything. It’s the deficiency that’ll lead to problems.


My son had ADD and when he was younger I wanted to do everything I could outside of meds to help his focus and processing. I did a ton of research and also found triggers through the years. The biggest help is lean proteins and Omega 3s. I’ve always heavily encouraged water which isn’t necessarily for the ADD but rather overall health and function. It absolutely makes a difference for him as opposed to a weekend with fam/friends full of goodies that aren’t helpful at all. As a matter of fact he knows which foods he gets triggered by and/or can tell if a food triggers obsessive or agitated thinking such as a tornado of thoughts that is worse than his normal. For instance skittles and all baker items from grocery stores (I think their mix is full of shelf life and moisture keeping additives and preservatives). When I get lunch meats I buy ones with zero nitrates, nitrites, hormones, color, or other artificial ingredients. He gets heartburn easy so anything that can cause that and inflammation like nightshades are out as well. When you’re stomach is full of acids it doesn’t allow for best absorption of necessary nutrients. Also, being I have the same issues, no otc vitamins outside of a whole foods probiotic. I personally just don’t do well processing them and nutrients through the day is better than all at once since your body turns much of the unused vitamin(s) to waste since it doesn’t need it all at once. Your kidneys will be happier too imo. Back to the bad, sugar white flour, corn syrup, white rice… can all be distruptors to healthy brain function. Try to stay clean and lean with some protein to start your day. Proteins help the chemicals in your brain flow better such as serotonin, epinephrine, and dopamine!

Love a Mom! Good luck!

Edit: Sorry for being a little all over. Phone sent mixed with ADD 😉


There is no particular food that will improve your cognitive performance within 12-24 hours. Just eat what you’re comfortable with, and drink enough water to stay hydrated.

If you want to improve your cognitive performance in the long run, then incorporate the foods that other folks have commented into your regular diet. I don’t know if the evidence for those foods is super solid, but walnuts, salmon, spinach, etc. are all healthy anyway.


No specific food item will make an appreciable difference. It is the whole of what you eat, in specific combinations and specific proportions that your body works with, and over a long period of time.

What are those proportions? Only your body knows. However, if you present your body with the correct nutrients by eating a variety of whole foods and avoiding ultra-processed stuff, your body will extract what it needs.

Also, there is no substitute for studying and keeping calm! Best of luck with the exam.


11 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory


Your brain is kind of a big deal.

As the control center of your body, it’s in charge of keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing and allowing you to move, feel, and think.

That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your brain in peak working condition.

The foods you eat play a role in keeping your brain healthy and can improve specific mental tasks, such as memory and concentration.


1. Fatty fish

2. Coffee

3. Blueberries

4. Turmeric

5. Broccoli

6. Pumpkin seeds

7. Dark chocolate

8. Nuts

9. Oranges

10. Eggs

11. Green tea


Many foods can help keep your brain healthy.

Some foods, such as the fruits and vegetables in this list, as well as tea and coffee, have antioxidants that help protect your brain from damage.

Others, such as nuts and eggs, contain nutrients that support memory and brain development.

You can help support your brain health and boost your alertness, memory, and mood by strategically including these foods in your diet.


Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman said something about if you take your body weight, divide it by 30, and then drink that number of ounces of water every 20 minutes, it increases focus. something like that. I’ve tried it and it seems to work actually.


Eating nothing will make the most drastic improvement but that’s particular to your current situation. Generally speaking salmon (I usually marinade mine and bake it) walnuts, avocado. Also a diet high in fiber is critical to the health of your microbiome which in recent years has been shown to improve neurological performance. I do spinach salad and toss it in EVOO with almonds and just plop my salmon fillets on top.

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