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Are vegetables still one of your 5 a day if you grind them into flakes/powder?


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I’ve seen a lot of people blending veggies into sauces and soups because they have the same problem. They love it. The nutritional value will slightly decrease when cooked (as opposed to raw), but it’s better than nothing.


Short answer, yes. Certain process such as boiling or mashing can have some impact on digestion, it’s minuscule. Anything you can do to get more vegetables into your diet, and specifically a variety of vegetables, will improve overall health.


It’s fine as long as you’re actually getting the solids of the vegetables and not just the juice.

I think it would be easier to shred/grate them than dry+grind them, though. Shredding with a food processor is very fast.


Absolutely, m8. A large part of why a lot of people don’t like vegetables is because they have this idea of raw/soggy vegetables that taste either terrible or like nothing. Like yourself, I am also very texture-sensitive and didn’t eat many vegetables before I met my gf who showed me how to actually use vegetables. They don’t taste good by themselves. They taste good in sauces, stews, soups, etc. and with the right spices some vegetables/mushrooms become entirely indistinguishable from meat. And yes they pretty much hold the same nutritional value regardless of how you prepare them. And if preparation leads to loss of nutrition, then you can compensate by just adding more vegetables. EZ-PZ. Good luck to ya.

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