I’ve been seeing quite a bit of people mention that they put various artificial sweeteners into their black coffee in the morning
Just wanted to give a heads up, that artificial sweeteners are shown to provoke an insulin response. Source
Those who are hoping to achieve deep autophagy, this can be detrimental to your efforts. Just thought I’d spread the word!
I used artificial sweeteners a lot, mainly Splenda. Also, I tend to drink coke zero which uses Sucralose I believe.
I used to think that it wouldn’t affect me when I’m dieting since it’s just 0 calories, however, I just listened to a podcast from Dr. Rhonda Patrick that is having me rethink this.
You can find it here: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/episodes/eran-elinav and go to the 35 minute mark. He talks about the sweeteners effect on the microbiome, and how indirectly this can cause issues.