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Back at it, but fasting glucose question.

I am giving IF (16:8) a go for the 3rd time. I always wish I never quit in the first place. Hopefully “3rd time’s a charm” here.

Anyways… I am being more serious about it this time because I have been diagnosed with insulin resistance, and have many risk factors for type 2 diabetes. I know that fasting can cause elevated fasting blood sugar, so I’m not too worried about my consistent readings that are about 105-115. My question is more for those who track that stuff… does it ever get into normal range? How long might that take?

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I don’t get elevated glucose levels from IF/TRE (16:8-20:4), but as soon as I up my carb intake for more than one meal, my baseline increases (I’m slightly insulin resistant too).

What does get my glucose levels down is low carb (of course) and even more so EF. I do any length of 24-48 h several times a month and once or twice a month 72 h.

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