| | Water Fasting

Back at it, but got little "Blood on the nose" through the second 72h

Hello,I had the courage to start it again, the best i did in the past was ONE snake diet of 70H and i never done another 72H again.


So :

I did a first 72H then i eat more calories than need i think, but no biggy i was gonna continue another 72H afterwards.

in my second 72H, i fasted DRY (for 15H sleeping included)) first day and drunk in the night

Second day (today) i fasted DRY (for 15H sleeping included) and just started drinking a hour ago. I did a little running just before that. (not much but yeah it was a running)

And now : i see that i have little blood coming from noise (left), is it dangerous sign of anything in your opinion?


(Snake juice = NA, Ka and bicarbonaite de sodium (just magnesium missing))

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Ya scratch any dried up boogers out of your nose? If anything while dry fasting it’s healing something weird that was going on in your nose. BTW, thanks for the tip on starting the dry fast at bedtime, I was wondering how I was gonna migrate from wet fasting into dry fasting. That seems like a good gameplan.

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