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Bad habits you kicked thanks to IF

I’m still in the very beginning of my journey but I’ve noticed that this lifestyle seems to make it easier to resist going back to bad habits. It would be fun and inspiring to hear which habits you’ve managed to cut back on or quit entirely, intentionally or accidentally, thanks to IF.

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Alcohol. I tried IF once a few years ago but couldn’t break myself of drinking alcohol every day (and in huge amounts) so I quit a couple months in because I wasn’t seeing any results.

Fast forward a couple years later and about 20lbs heavier and I really, really wanted to get back in shape and get healthier. I slowly tried curbing my alcohol intake using flavored seltzer water and eventually just straight seltzer. I was a lot more diligent about fasting and the foods I ate, exercised more, and read so many obesity and nutrition books it’s unreal. I’m now successfully to the point I don’t crave the alcohol anymore at all. I drink recreationally once every couple weeks if I’m going out with my partner or friends, but gone are the days of nightly binges and I really couldn’t be more thankful.


Grazing. I spend a lot if time in the kitchen, and I used to eat who-knows-how-many calories a day on the side. Now I can go between meals, and even during meal prep and school lunches without a single piece of food ending up in my mouth. IF for (remaining) life!


Alcohol! I do a morning eating window, so I don’t have the option of an evening drink.

I have a cheat day once a week though, and I will have a drink or two on those days, but I don’t really enjoy it or crave it like I did. I was in the bad habit of having a drink almost every night. I felt I wasn’t addicted, but in a way I guess I actually was.

Glad to no longer worry that I am on my way to alcoholism. :)


Eating late at night and diet coke. Currently 9 days free of diet coke which is something i never thought possible. Also gone veg only (not going vegitatian as i still plan to eat meat at special occasions and when i eat out, which i have significantly reduced.


Emotional eating. I used to reach for a snack at the first moment of stress. But with IF, I was motivated not to break my fast. So when I got the urge to snack, I took a moment and paid attention to how I was really feeling. If I was just stressed instead of actually hungry, I tried some non-food tactics for self-soothing. It’s really interrupted the automatic stressed = snack habit, and given me new tools to manage stressful moments beyond trying to numb my feelings with food (which frankly never worked all that well anyway).


No procrastination eating while working at home during the day. My eating hours are in the evening. I still snack a bit too much in the evening, but I can do a whole lot less damage now.

Fewer Coke Zeros. I didn’t do this on purpose. I feel like they increase my appetite, and the effect of the caffeine on an empty stomach is noticeable.

Less alcohol. I only had one or two drinks a few times a week. Now I have one or two every week or two. Probably 75% less. This really wasn’t intentional either.


Both thanks to IF and CICO.

-Eating out of boredom.

-Overeating stuff just because it’s in the kitchen.

-Eating my emotions. // Still working on this one. I still have episodes in which I overeat snacks if I’m having very bad mental health day. But by far not as bad as it used to be.

-Alcohol. // I was never a heavy drinker, but IF and healthy eating made me not want to drink alcohol whatsoever.


Unhealthy breakfast. Before I started fasting I would get a coffee and pastry every weekday morning because I was too lazy or didn’t make enough time to prepare a healthy breakfast. Now I just skip breakfast all together. It’s a relief not to rely on those super butter and sugar heavy pastries every day.

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Categories: bad habit habits alcohol obesity nutrition binge calories lunch morning eating window evening meat snack stress tea habit stomach coffee sugar