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Bad rep on skipping dinner ?

I started fasting 3 weeks ago. Started doing 16:8, skipping breakfast and having a strong dinner. Eating from 11am to 7pm. I started reducing the eating frame and found myself with less hunger at the afternoon so I thought skipping dinner would be better for my goal: losing weight. Since mod last week I’ve switched to skipping dinner and having 2 meals a day. One around 10am and the other one around 3pm. I’m more in 18:6 now and feeling good. But the more people I tell I’ve been skipping dinner the more negative comments I get on how bad it is to my health and how I’ll just get fatter and train my body to store fat since I’m skipping meals. I just want to have a caloric deficit and by skipping one meal it just adds up, I’m eating 2/3 of what I was used to. Why are people used to saying we need to eat 5 times a day and that skipping meals is not healthy.

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Ppl ask this daily. Search the sub.

Getting fat from.meal.skipping is a myth & not real.

Eat a a caloric deficit for weight loss. U do u.

Be compassionate & kind to those tut-tutting you. They wrong, but they care about you. We were all literally told we needed 11 servings of bread and rice a day until 2 years ago. Its really hard to unlearn things presented as facts, once learned.


Skipping meals isn’t bad for you, but it gets a bad reputation because people associate it with eating disorders. Also it can cause people to eat wayyy to much at the next meals. That is what causes the fat storage, not some weird “body Training.” If you aren’t doing that, no worries.

Eating small meals 4-5 times a day is “optimal” for muscle growth. For the average person that makes no difference, especially if your main goal is losing weight.

Sometimes people are just weird, so if they can’t handle it it’s best to keep it to yourself. Little white lies can save you time too, just say you had a huge lunch or are eating later if you don’t want the hassle.

Best of luck!


I think the bad rep for skipping meals comes from the same misinformation that the whole ‘starvation mode’ argument against fasting comes from. NAD but from what I understand, if you eat very little a day, your body can indeed go into starvation mode and hold onto fat, but that is only if you don’t consume enough calories per day. People seem to conflate this concept with fasting and skipping meals, I guess assuming you’re not eating enough. Fasting and consuming next to 0 calories however, puts you in a fasting mode where your body burns fat for energy, but it seems like most people don’t know about this process compared to starvation mode.


These are people who have taken the time to read a big fat zero on the topic. The high carb producers sold this propaganda effectively decades ago (literally. Lobbied on it. There are some solid documentaries om it)

Almost every animal is not designed to eat that frequently. It’s literally why we store fat. The concept of grazing is one that is well under a century old.

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