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Been doing IF for 4 years but fallen off and need encouragement

Hi everyone, I’ve been doing IF for 4 years but started grad school last fall and having a different schedule every day has really thrown me off and I’ve gotten really lax with it.

I could use some encouragement for getting back on regular 16:8 IF when the semester starts. Also any tips for how to manage IF when my schedule is different each day would be appreciated.

Some days I end class at 9pm which is tough cause since I’m usually in class before it’s time to break fast and leave when it’s time start fast.

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That sounds difficult. I guess you could embrace it and go for a longer fast when your schedule pushes you out of whack?Edit: And then just make sure you leave it at least 16 hrs until from when you eat til the next feeding window?


Hi! I’m also in grad school and planning to start IF later this year.

I plan on bringing meals and using our 10 minute bio breaks to eat quickly or just stepping out of class and eating real quick.

I might adjust my window a little if I have to depending on the day but I will aim for eating from 12pm-8pm I think. Maybe 11am-7pm. If it’s too hard I’ll do a 14:10 and eat from 10 am-8 pm.

I plan to dirty fast in the AM and have black coffee with plain cream or unsweetened protein almond milk before class/during AM classes. Maybe add some MCT oil or cacao butter.

Good luck!

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