| | Water Fasting

Beginner any tips?

BW: 195 CW: 187.8 5”7 Female

Turning 36 next month. I previously really struggled last July starting beachbody for 6 months and lost alot of money, pressure to lose was threw the roof, pressure to exercise everyday, and I gained weight.

Cut to November 2022, I quit BB my husband and I agreed for financial and the stress, I had to block a few coaches.

January 2023 I started looking for something doable. I teach preschool, I have 7 toddlers, I need coffee 😆

At the end of February 2023 I found IF and started. I do 16/17hr fasts..usually 8hr eating from Noon-8pm because it works with my schedule.

As you can see I’m FINALLY losing. I’m pushing 64 or more ounces water, I do drink green tea and la croix I cut out all soda.

I’m looking for tips. I know switching up is key for metabolism. I’m thinking of 14:10 when I’m on my cycle. I have at least 30g protein every meal or snack. But I’m only having 1 snack now before my closing window at 8pm and I’m not at all hungry or late night snacking like I did. I feel AMAZING.

I starting Lifting this week. Haha it’s a start I’m trying 3 times a week because I get anywhere from 12k to 17k steps at preschool and let me tell you if I sit with toddlers? Hahahaha it’s a little exhausting. But I do want to tone and gain muscle 💪

Thanks for any help!

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Sounds like you’re doing amazing!!!!

Not sure where the switching thing up is coming from all of a sudden, lots are saying that though. I can only speak from personal experience, I never did though. I do an 18hr fast every day, only change is Friday and Saturday I don’t eat till 12, no cut off, but make sure I hit 18hrs before I eat the next day which is usually around 4pm. That means Sunday is usually OMAD just cause I need to be done by 6pm. Do what works for you though, if you’re better with a set schedule, do that, if changing it up works better for your life, do that. Remember that your making a lifestyle change, not doing a diet, ideally once you’ve lost the weight you wanna keep it up, so do things that are gonna stick long term.


My biggest advice would be to listen to The Fasting Method Podcast. These ladies have been my biggest cheerleaders/buddies on my fasting journey and I’ve learn a lot from them.


Give yourself some grace, and give yourself some time for your body to shift. No need for an instant fix if you are looking to really make a lifestyle change to a healthier and happier body. Try to make better and better choices every day, improving just a bit from the day before. And when or if you don’t, forgive yourself quickly (you are human, after all), and start again!

At least this is what I’m working on… ;-).

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