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Benefits of Fasting? (Non-weight loss related)

I feel like the vast majority of interest in fasting is related to weight (fat) loss.

I know this may sound novice, but what are all the known physiological/physical benefits to fasting, that are not DIRECTLY related to weight loss? I believe fasting is a beneficial tool for everyone, not just those wanting to lose weight. IF can even be easily doable and helpful to those trying to bulk; reap the benefits of HGH production and fasting, and just cram your caloric surplus in your eating window.

I’m personally aware of some, but I want to open the floor to other people with different experiences and knowledge, and create a thread listing as many possible benefits, to potentially consolidate into a list.

They can be scientifically proven, or passionately backed by conclusive personal experiences. What do you know.

Benefits I’m personally aware of:

I understand there are also cons to fasting, but for the sake of this thread’s purpose; what are all the benefits to fasting?

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better skin (had marks/acne scars that even my fancy skincare stuff didn’t rid of as well as fasting for 40hrs a few times a week did), less issues from my hormonal BC, definitely have saved money on food but then immediately am spending it on thrifting oops


While weight loss is one of my motivations for fasting, the added bonuses has been insulin sensitivity and skin improvement. I have had miminum eczema flare ups since I started. Also my menstruation, while chaotic before, has been coming consistently and regularly.


Just my personal experience, but for one, I’ve had a sensation in my big toes for a while where they feel slightly “asleep” or perhaps poor circulation. Even with regular bloodwork, my labs were in the normal range and I wasn’t warned about prediabetes or diabetes. However, I do have relatives with diabetes and MS. The sensation in my toes has greatly improved, and most of the time they feel normal now.

Also, before I started fasting, I developed bumpy skin around the back of my elbows. I’m guessing keratosis pilaris? Upon researching, I saw that one cause is insulin resistance. I’m in my 5th month of IF and the skin there is smooth now. My skin is more clear in general now too.


I’m doing 16:8 fasting and one of the things that I have personally noticed is that I don’t deal with stomach cramps or IBS symptoms anymore. I also feel more energized and in a better mood. That’s just me though.


Just a comment on cramming food on the off day, not the best idea because it will take the cycle much longer to start again

All time frames subject to prior intake and exercise

First stage-Anabolic Zone. (4hr average)•food breaks down into glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids•leptins increase (full feeling) ghrelin decreased (hunger)•pancreas secretes insulin •insulin shuttles nutrients cells to be stored as glycogen

Second Stage-Catabolic. (12hr standard)•blood glucose continues to drop•release of insulin is low but the release of glucagon starts to rise•glucagon triggers liver glycogen breakdown •suppression of mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) which opens the door for autophagy

Third stage-Fat Burning. (8hr)•as glycogen becomes depleted, glucose from gluconeogenesis starts to rise•lypolysis breaks down fat stores•fatty acids are mobilized for energy•the liver begins to synthesize ketones from excess energy produces from fatty acid oxidation •AMPK (adenosine monophosphate kinase) promotes autophagy

Fourth stage-ketosis (48 hrs)•liver glycogen stops being a source of glucose•gluconeogenesis reaches its peak and begins to drop off•blood ketones increase; BHB (beta-hydroxbutyrate) is usually 0.5 - 2 mN •total ghrelin output decreases•diminished growth signals and increased AMPK further promotes autophagy

Fifth stage-deep ketosis•liver continues to produce ketones which become the primary fuel for the brain•IGF-1 levels are low, as is glucose and circulating insulin •BHB production increases •total ghrelin output remains lower than baseline•autophagy accelerates

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Categories: weight loss to fast lose weight eating window liver sleep diabetes stomach glucose blood glucose energy keto ketosis