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Best plan for someone who was already performing the fasting unconsciously?

I was already performing Intermittent Fasting without knowing about it. I didn’t eat anything between 8pm to 10 am. Thought I missed sometimes. I lost 10-12 pounds over a period of time without being aware of it.

I was thinking about losing some serious weight now and I have joined weight loss program in a gym. I fear that my habit will will make the habit less effective. Should I change my Plan into something more strict to get a better result?


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It is possible that the fact that you were already doing intermittent fasting contributed to the weight loss you experienced earlier. Intermittent fasting can be a useful tool for weight loss and overall health improvement.

If you have decided to join a weight loss program at a gym, it is important that you inform your personal trainer or nutritionist about your intermittent fasting habit so that they can adapt your diet and exercise plan accordingly.

You may need to adjust your intermittent fasting schedule to match your gym weight loss plan. It is also important to make sure you are consuming enough nutrients and calories to meet your needs and weight loss goals.

In general, it is advisable to work with a health professional or personal trainer to create a diet and exercise plan that is effective and sustainable for you. Don’t hesitate to discuss any concerns or questions you have with them so they can help you reach your goals safely and effectively.

Two months ago I started with this nutritionist from Fiverr and have lost quite a bit of weight, since then I have stayed pretty fit and he has given me such incredible results that I can recommend him to you, with over 600 reviews and 10 years of experience. If you need any help, here is his page, maybe he can help you to create a good plan.


I’m no expert and only write on what I would do in your shoes.

I would introduce little changes at a time.

First would be computing my TDEE and seeing how many calories daily matches my goal. (TDEE minus 500 calories for weight loss). I’d be more mindful of what I eat.

Maybe stick with the 14 hours daily fasting while I start the gym program and see how I feel.

Exercise early morning while fasted and have a meal after the gym? Or will have a meal then exercise within my eating window? Try to see how I feel after a few days and which setup feels better.

Then when I’ve gotten used to fasting and exercise, try extending to 16 hours fasted. Then 18.

Stay hydrated. Have fun while working out. And be kind to yourself on days when you don’t quite meet your targets. Good luck!

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