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Best snacks for boy teen with fast metabolism?


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Cheese is relatively high calorie and made up of predominantly fat depending on the type, if the goal is to keep you full than yes - cheese is occasionally good to eat. Dairy can be difficult to digest for most people whether they believe it or not. I enjoy dairy, however there is something to be said about digesting products that come from cows. Milks intent is to grow young bovine. Aim for grass fed dairy as well in order to have the cleanest product. Antibiotics, pesticides from grain feed all are absorbed into the cow and excrete in milk.

As far as Finn Crisps, there are minimal ingredients which is always what you want in any processed or manufactured food. They are quite high in fibre so that is something that should be watched. Too much will upset your stomach which you’ll notice quite quickly.

Both of them together offer a decent combination of protein, fat, and carbohydrates which is what you want - however I wouldn’t eat that between every meal for the reasons mentioned above. Moderation with everything.

Assuming the teen in question has a fast metabolism - I assume he is leaner and likely active. I would lean towards higher protein snacks between meals in order to assist him in tissue recovery and development. Regardless what people say, teen years are a great time to start centring meals around a high quality protein and focussing on some sort of athletic training or weight training.

Some other foods that are good alternatives to crackers/cheese are:

1.Quality proteins such as tuna, eggs, chicken, beef. This can be pre-cooked and portioned out. 2.Quality fats such as peanuts, peanut butter, avocado. Salted nuts is fine. 3.WASHED produce such fruits and vegetables he enjoys. I would recommend googling clean 15 / dirty dozen to show which produce is the cleanest as far as pesticide spraying.

Healthiest options are whole foods always. If there is ingredients in something your buying, try to find something with the least amount possible. He will be able to get away with a lot as far as quality of food he eats because of his metabolism but that will not last forever. Develop the healthy habits now and a fitter, happier version of himself will thank you in his 20s.

The only fats you should cook with are olive oil, coconut oil, or grass fed butter. Canola Oil, vegetable oil, or any seed oil destroy the lining of your gut. Those oils are some of if not the worst things we eat nowadays, and they’re almost in everything.


Emphasize quality proteins that are whole foods. Chicken, tuna, eggs, beef. Fats will keep him fullest the longest - nuts in particular. Clean 15 fruit / vegetables.

Everything in moderation.

Always avoid manufactured oils. Only cook with olive oil or grass fed butter.

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