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Best way to curb sugar cravings?

My husband and I have decided to commit to IF in the new year. We’ve both gained some weight over the past few years. We’re in our 30s and need to get serious. But…

I love sweets. A lot. They’re so tempting.And once I start eating them, it’s hard to stop.

So, what are your best tips to avoid eating too many desserts?

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I’m sure people have different methods but for me, I basically have to go cold turkey for a week. Then I have no cravings.

However, I do allow myself water flavors with sweeteners, as that helps with the water intake.


Avoiding sugar is what will mainly help you stop the cravings.

I would just avoid simple sugars like, candy, snacks, creamer, juice, soda, etc

Also replacing your artificial / simple sugars with natural / complex sugars is also a great place to start.

If you go 2-3 weeks without those sugars and instead you begin to eat things like , berries, pineapples, oranges, mangos, beets, etc.. you’ll find that you will most likely crave those healthy sugars and not the unhealthy ones


Read the obesity code— helped me understand the craving and understand the harm in sugar

I buy the individually wrapped Ghirardelli’s squares that are 60% or higher. I eat one after dinner. These are low in sugar but have a rich chocolate taste. (Something the Obesity Code recommends)


What’s something you really enjoy?

I too am a sugar addict, especially a nice cold, creamy, sugary coffee. I weaned myself off the cream and use lakanto monk fruit drops to give my black coffee that nice sweet taste.

You can add monk fruit to anything! They make liquid and crystalline versions. I also use 2tbsp of peanut butter as my dessert/indulgence.

The cravings will go away after a week or two. Just as another poster said, I quit cold turkey. I guess I weaned myself off the cream, but I cut out all processed foods at once which meant no more cookies, etc.

I do IF and CICO. I eat only whole foods I prepare at home (chipotle in emergency). I relaxed on Xmas eve, Xmas and will have some dessert NYE. You can do it!


In the beginning I just didn’t have it in the house. Go grocery shopping after eating not while hungry and stick to your list. Then you’re not tempted to buy sweets when you’re already there.

Avoidance was the biggest factor in resistance and now I get stuff during my eating window and buy small amounts to finish in one sitting


Unfortunately, avoiding sugar like the plague is the best way for us who can’t stop once we start.I dont care what people say about diet drinks and artificial sugars.

I go for regular checkups due to cancer ( not sugar/artificial sugar related), and I am fine. For the past 10 years, my kidneys, bladder are all fine.I don’t have the kidney/bladder stones that everyone told me I’d get from the splenda.🤦‍♀️It is 100lbs not regained.

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Categories: sugar tips snack soda tea obesity dinner coffee fruit eating window kidney