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Best way to spend $500-$1000 to continue losing weight?

I am down about 50lbs from my starting weight. I started at 300lbs for a weight loss competition. I won the competition and after paying off some bills I’ve got somewhere between $500 and $1000 that I can spend to help me continue losing weight and getting in shape. I have lost this amount of weight through intermittent fasting with an occasional extended fast. Would my best bet be just spending that money on a gym membership? Would it be a subscription to a diet regime or in person classes or something? I can do tons of cardio outside or around the house. I’ve got a few dumbbells and some other equipment at home already as well. My goal isn’t to get swole. My goal is to just be in better shape and to be healthier in general so I can provide a good image as a role model to my son. I’m sure that the answers to these questions would differ from person to person as we are all different, but I’m just looking for any advice from people that may have been in a similar situation. Thank you.

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My two cents, in order:

  1. Get an Apple Watch (or something compatible with your phone)
  2. get a bicycle and use it to run as many errands and do as many tasks as you can (i.e. limit car use)
  3. invest the remainder in an index fund (try to maximize what’s left, consider buying the watch and bike used).


Footwear. A pair of good hiking boots and get fitted for a good pair of walking/jogging shoes. Find out where the local runners buy their shoes and go there. The staff will be able to fit shoes to your arch and the way you stand/walk. Good socks.

A Camelbak (or similar brand) hydration backpack and hiking poles.

A recumbent exercise bike with a big comfortable seat for bad weather days.

A family pool membership/swimming lessons (if needed)


As I’ve lost weight I’ve similarly invested in different items to continue my journey. My favorite piece of fitness gear that I’ve picked up is a sandbag - I sprung for a nice one so I didn’t have to worry about using it inside.

They are extremely versatile and in a weird way is kind of fun to workout with. Because you’re fighting with it being a little awkward and shifting around it keeps you engaged and it’s firing a lot of other muscles. So it’s great to quickly get in full body workouts in a reasonably time.


Probably not the answer you’re looking for but, buy a grow tent, a good light, some organic soil, fabric pots and some seeds. Grow your own food instead of putting that money in the health/fitness industry who’s job it is to continually move the goal posts on people who want to improve themselves. One of the reasons I love IF is that it doesn’t/didn’t require any financial commitments/start up costs/product or service subscriptions, etc from me. For example, I do body weight exercises, negating the need to buy weights.


i think an apple watch or a similar fitness watch if you don’t already have one. it’s good to know not only how many calories you are burning in terms of losing weight, but also just overall health and tracking progress.


I’d say take some time to figure out what you enjoy that will keep you interested. We are all unique. However, weight loss is moreso tied to diet. You already have a meal plan. I’d say buy the best Whole Foods you can. If you already do that, here are some questions to think about:

Do you like a new workout outfit? Looking good really does help us in feeling good and staying motivated. Do you enjoy group activities?Do you like to be outside?Could you benefit from working with a trainer?Are you a tech or data person who might like a fitness wearable?Are your sneakers in good shape?Do you like to cook and want to upgrade gadgets/appliances? Maybe a CSA box?What active thing could you share with your son? I’ve been looking at VR headsets.

A LOT of these apps, gyms, and fitness studios have a free trial.


Go to a spa and get some serious rest and relaxation you deserve it. I find swimming way better then a gym. It’s funny because we punish ourselves but very rarely treat our aching body to some relaxation.

It’ll help way more then going to a gym and stressing your body even more.


Do you enjoy at home workouts? We bought an elliptical and that’s a good way to get a work out in! We’ve tried gym memberships but honestly being 30 minutes from one it’s hard to fit it in our schedules.


Invest in some nice clothes sized at/near your goal weight. You’ve proven you can lose the weight without gym memberships, weights, and fancy workout equipment. So buy something that will keep you motivated and working towards your goal. Not saying to spend all of your money on clothes but maybe just a really nice pair of jeans or a fitted jacket. Or a bathing suit. Personally, I bought a nice blazer, hung it in my closet, and used it to keep me motivated to get back to my healthy weight/size. Trying it on every month to gauge my progress. It worked better than any gym membership ever could have. I wear it all the time now and love it, mainly because it reminds me of my hard work. Also keeps me from backsliding.


Lots of different directions to go but I like that supplements weren’t a common theme. While useful in the right context, it’s not what people should be putting there money into. Especially right out the gate. I think u should pick up something that will save u time and help u be consistent. For me I go to the gym to lift but I separate my cardio. I bought a treadmill to walk in the morning and when there’s bad weather. I have a desk job and it’s shocking how little I move during the day.


50 lbs is something to celebrate. I’d suggest spending a little bit of it on a workout or other outfit that fits you now, makes you feel great, and encourages you to keep it up. Even if its just an Old Navy shirt that won’t fit you in 6 months…celebrate and enjoy looking good now.

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