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Binging and loosing progress

Hey! (f/26/5”6)

I’ve been practicing IF for over a month with visible progress. Started at 150 pounds, dropped to 142 in 3 weeks. Problem is that I’ve developed BED as a result of past ED and binged (ate fast food in fasting time) for 3 days past week. Ive stepped on the scale and found out I’ve gained all the weight back.

Do you think it´s possible to not loose results with my condition since I cant control binging 100% of the time?

If you dont mind and had similar problem please share tips how to not screw this up.


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My understanding is that sometimes binging is a result of cutting too much too fast. Granted some of it was likely water weight, but losing 8 lbs in 3 weeks is a lot for someone your size. Maybe try to focus on a more sustainable deficit.

Ultimately, so much of this process is mental not physical. Getting into the right headspace for lasting changes you can stick with is important. Seek out some professional help if you need it.

>Ive stepped on the scale and found out I’ve gained all the weight back.

Try to keep in mind that it’s almost impossible to have eaten and metabolized 8 lbs of body fat in a week. You would have had to eat something like 30,000 extra calories. Most of this weight is going to be the body storing those excess carbs as glycogen and all the water that that requires. If you get back to it the body will use up that glycogen and let all that excess water go in a few days.


I see a lot of these posts and say it every time

Don’t get discouraged, because, water weight can fluctuate 7lbs in a day. I know this from experience.

Also, you’d have to consume 28,000 calories outside of what your body burns in 3 days for you to store 8lbs.

Good luck


Make sure you’re eating enough protein - your body will want to eat until it’s satiated. Once I started adding more protein I was able to stick to one meal no snacking, a whole nutritious meal too. No sugar, refined carbs, processed foods. Those spike insulin in a bad way and leave you feeling hungry within an hour.


I’ve found portion control helped me with binge eating. One thing I think could help would be planning out your larger meals and doing snacks or smaller portions for that time when you can’t fight that urge. The planning is simple of course just cook or even buy from grocery stores what you need. But portion control could just be cutting out the fries and calories in drinks. If you’re gonna do fast food go with a grilled option maybe. I’ve found having the fruit free and protein shakes ready for helps a bunch. If I do go anywhere to get food I’d say it’s either the lowest possible calories I can get or for example if I buy two McDoubles I’ll take off the bread from one. Smaller changes could really help but I think cooking and eating at home will be the best.

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