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Blending meat rather than chewing


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This sounds like a few different types of eating disorders. I’m sorry you are going through this and I hope you seek help. You deserve it.

Please be aware that this much protein, especially coupled with small amounts of carbs has been shown to cause kidney stones and kidney damage.


You COULD blend, and blend very fine, but you still want to put it in your mouth and masticate it, because your saliva contains enzymes that help aid digestion. If you just drink it straight down, it may be more difficult kit for your gut to deal with.


Not sure what all else you’re eating, but could you break it up during cooking like you would to make chili and then mix it into something like a sauce of some kind?

You know about protein poisoning, right?


you could but its not the same, your spit contains enzymes that mix with the food… its not gonna be a huge difference in digestion and im not too sure if its relevant at all, but chewing kinda is an important part of eating.



If Markus Ruhl can make a tunafish shake there’s no reason you can’t make a turkey shake.

On a funnier note, there’s literally a song about this: Meat Shake by Ugly Duckling:


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Categories: meat eating disorder carbs kidney digest fish