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Bloated Belly

Hi all, I started intermittent fasting (18:6) 3 days ago and to be honest; it feels so good & I don’t have the craving for snacks at all. But today I have constant gass and bloating. Now my question is, if this is a normal thing, or do I eat to much or to heavy? (I’m drinking a lot of water already)

I’m starting at 12:00 with a pokebowl, eating a banana at 15:00 and have dinner around 18:30.

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I used to have the same issue and from my personal experience it helps to eat foods that are high in fiber. I’ve replaced white rice with quinoa, lentils, and fresh greens and that helped me.

Edit: consider having fresh lemon and water as well as probiotic foods (pickles, sauerkraut, Greek yogurt, etc.)


Could have had something last night or from your last meal to make you feel that way. I drink water thats a little more than warm but not so hot that you cant drink it in big gulps, and it settles my stomach when I feel like that though.


Bloating is definitely connected to what you eat, not so much when you eat (or don’t).

One of the nice things about fasting is that it makes food incompatibility more visible. I can’t predict what exactly got you bloated today, but I can tell you with confidence that I’m allergic to bananas. It’s a medium-common food allergy!

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