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Brain eat itself during fasting?

Hi, fall on this study on Internet any opinions on this? Thx



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Here is a link to the actual study:


Am i wrong, or are they saying that this has positive effects?

>In summary, this study proposes a new conceptual framework as to how starvation can affect autophagy-regulated hypothalamic lipid metabolism that in turn regulates neuropeptide levels to modulate food intake and energy homeostasis. The ability to regulate hypothalamic autophagy to modulate energy homeostasis may have implications for the development of new therapeutic options for conditions such as obesity and the metabolic syndrome. In addition, as autophagy has been shown to decline with age (Cuervo, 2008), altered food intake and energy homeostasis observed with aging may be a consequence of decreased hypothalamic autophagy.


Huh, that’s fascinating. I know that I’m aiming for autophagy every time I fast. I hadn’t realized that it was previously understood not to affect the brain. I’d foolishly imagined I was giving my brain a chance for a tune-up each time I fasted. Learning that it’s limited to the hypothalamus is a bit disappointing. Of course, I never wanted or imagined whole cells dying off, but instead just a nice clearing out of degrading organelles.

Very interesting indeed.

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