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Bread as bad as sugar?

Is eating bread as bad for you as eating processed sugar? Both end up as glucose?

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Consider sugar as just a fast digesting carb and nothing more. Useful in some cases, and tasty, but unfilling and easy to overeat calories.

White bread is about the same, very little nutrients other than the carbohydrates. It might be a little more filling than plain sugar, and if you eat it with protein and/or fats the digestion will be a little slower.

Sugar is “bad” because it either contributes to overconsuming calories, or replacing other nutrients dense foods that we should be eating. The fact that it’s very fast digesting means it’s not going to satiate you for long, or takes a lot to fill you up. It also affects blood sugar fluctuations which can effect energy thought the day.

Literally all carbs end up as glucose, sugar is just already chemically closer to glucose than other carbs, so it digests very quickly. Our body runs on glucose, there is nothing wrong with carbs, it’s just overconsuming calories or not getting enough essential nutrients is the problem, and refined carbs usually contribute to.


The carbs in lentils (eventually) end up as glucose. Therefore lentils are just as unhealthy as processed sugar? Same with blueberries? Intact whole grains? My point is: Pointing out that something ”ends up as glucose” is not relevant to whether it is healthy or unhealthy.


This could be more specific. “Bread” varies a lot. I don’t think that the dense, home-milled, full-of-fiber sourdough rye bread I make has much in common with Wonderbread type bread, brioche, or croissants.


Sourdough bread has a Glycemic Index of 54 which is much lower than regular white bread, at around 72-90. The reason sourdough bread is low GI is its long fermentation process which lowers its starch content. Sourdough can be considered in a low GI diet and is great at controlling blood sugar levels.


The more complex the carb is, the better.
Simple sugars are released into the blood quiet quick and cause a “crash” there.
(i think) fibre causes the carb to more slowly release into your blood and gives you a high quality energy source for activity.
if youre eating too much of it and dont move alot it is unhealthy aswell.


Food is not bad or good. It is food, it has no morals. Sometimes when we moralize food we overcomplicate things.

Context here is important. Moderation is key. note: you can have good health and eat bread. It’s best to have whole grain or sprouted grain bread due to fiber but you don’t have to.


Whole wheat bread is preferable to white bread due to the processed sugar in white bread. But carbs are useful for energy, whether its for training or for burning food during digestion.

But as always, overconsumption of anything - even carbs - is not good for you. Everything in moderation.


What kind of bread do you have in mind? There’s a difference between white bread and whole-grain bread. Also, can you be more specific than “processed sugar”? What exactly are you comparing bread with?

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Categories: sugar glucose a fast digest calories carbohydrate blood sugar energy carbs whole grain fiber starch