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Bread - what is your opinion on white or wheat bread?

Do you guys think white bread, and flour in baked goods is still acceptable to eat as long as the rest of your meals are healthy? (i.e. toast with avocado eggs, pancakes every now and then)

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I’ve been in “weight loss mode” for a few months and I eat sandwiches for lunch most days. Mostly like, 12-grain bread with seeds in it and stuff like that. I have been running a calorie deficit and that bread isn’t too calorie dense and it tastes good and my BMs have been more regular and it fills me up for the afternoon. And I’ve lost almost 20 pounds since mid-July, so i guess it can’t be all bad! I probably eat a sandwich \~4-5 times per week since it works for my work schedule.


Sure it’s acceptable. Is it healthy and nutritious not much. A little here and there won’t do you much harm definitely should enjoy some pancakes every once in a while. Sourdough bread would be the healthiest option.


It doesn’t matter what type of bread it is. The quality is what matters.

Bread that’s highly processed isn’t equal to bread that’s just the flour (white or whole nobody cares), yeast or sourdough, little oil, little salt and water.

I’d focus on getting good quality first before worrying about “mi fibre”.

As for blood sugar health, eating any carb with protein and fat slows down glycemic effect. And you can get your fibre from other (and likely better) sources. So don’t worry about the overly fibre hype train.


If I see one more person talking about certain oils as being inherently inflammatory I’m going to lose it.

Op, look for “whole grain wheat” in the ingredients. “Normal” wheat bread doesn’t always have it and usually just tastes healthier than it is. Whole grains are good for you, they give you fiber and keep you satiated longer, despite what the anti-gluten snowflakes in here are saying.


There’s nothing inherently bad about it. If you’re eating bread sprouted bread is probably best because of the fiber and whole grains but it tastes like poop. At the end of the day, it’s about moderation and calories in and calories out. If you’re making a turkey sandwich use the best-tasting bread and account for those calories throughout the day. I personally like Sourdough because it’s pretty straight forward and doesn’t have a lot of filler in it if it’s from a bakery, it’s very good at not spiking my glucose, and it tastes amazing.


It’s not as bad as people on here act like it is. Whole grain is more nutritious than white, but lots of things are more nutritious than whole grain bread (eg, toasted wheat germ) and no one says you must never eat whole grain bread. The gov says at least 50% of grains should be whole grain, not that you’ll destroy your health if you have a piece of white bread as toast in the morning.

At the same time, whole grain is more filling and most people in the US are overweight, so I guess minimizing it as much as possible makes sense. You might find whole grain white wheat (as opposed to red wheat) flour works for the applications you’re describing.


I started making my own, again. Flour, butter, water yeast. But the trick is not much of it. I haven’t had a sandwich as a staple since elementary school when my Mom made them. When I made bread last time, 100 yrs ago, it was whole wheat and like a brick. But very filling. Eat the sandwich filling without the wrap, and you’ll be better off, glycimically.


Depends on what your family health history is. Diabetes? Heart? Cholesterol? If yes to any or all I’d stick to whole foods n eat flour twice or 3ce a week - no more. I’d rather you eat whole grains. I love Ezekiel’s bread. I can afford it coz one loaf lasts me 2 months.


Wheat bread has more complex carbs which are broken down over time, releasing insulin slowly.

White bread is immediately broken down,leDing to a spike of insulin similar to how sweets spike insulin levels.

If you regularily spike your insulin your body is in fat-store mode and not in fat-burn mode.


As a nutritionist I considered bread a recreational food. It’s okay to eat it in moderation, preferably gluten-free as that it makes it healthier. There’s not a lot of difference between white and wheat bread, slightly more nutrients and a little bit more fiber in the wheat bread but not an appreciable difference. Flour products in general are not that good for you, they’re definitely empty carbs and you should only eat it occasionally.


When it comes to bread it’s really pretty simple..

Minimum case scenario don’t eat bread with nut/seed/vegetable oils in it. These are highly inflammatory as are additives like sugar corn syrup etc. Cheap mass produced stiff will be in this category.

Next best case is eating bread as above but sprouted and preferably sourdough … This reduces oxilates and antinutrients but you’ll still get some glycemic spike from grain.

The gold standard would be eating bread as in one made from low glycemic ingredients like eggs and sprouted almond flour…. Yes they exist and yes they are very good… You can even make them at home relatively easily.

Your biggest concern with bread is crazy additives like inflammatory oils, sugars and the big glycemic spike.

The more you eliminate these concerns the healthier it will be and ultimately as in the last case can be very healthy.


Compared to what? Bread is bread. Being white won’t make much difference to how bad it is for you so long as you’re not eating much of it.

For the arrogant tools, I’m speaking in regards to ops question on negative impact, not which is more beneficial. Aside from that, bread should not be such a substantial part of your diet that you’re relying in it for its nutritional load.


Bread as a whole is not good for you and can never really be considered a “healthy” food. Even the healthiest versions of bread are best consumed as just an indulgence. Whether it is whole wheat, sprouted, fermented, etc., wheat is highly inflammatory and can wreak havoc on the digestive system.Besides wheat itself, if you are eating wheat that is not organic, you are likely consuming alarming levels of glyphosate. It is one of the most pesticide-laden “foods” (not really a food since it is not efficiently digested by humans)

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