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I have done 4-6 days fasts in the past and broken sometimes with an unhealthy amount of junk food, not the best I know but I’ve never had any issues and often do IF and Keto and keep in generally good shape. I am on my 7th day of my current fast and will be breaking shortly just wondering if anyone has any recommendations of what to break my fast with as I am also going on a week all inclusive holiday (vacation) Saturday 15th at 6am GMT

My current weigh is approx 68kg-70kg, height 5,10” and before this current fast I was doing keto for 2 months and fasting each weekend would I be considered high risk for re feeding syndrome even though I am a young fit 23 yo male as I am really worried about over doing it

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Lots of folks here recommend bone broth to break a fast.

If you’ve been doing a good job of supplementing electrolytes you probably don’t need to worry about it, though. From what I understand, refeeding syndrome is largely caused by having too-low levels of electrolytes when you reintroduce food/calories to your system.

Also check out the info on the sidebar about refeeding.


Refeeding syndrome is not really a concern in my personal opinion/experience at 7 days. I’d say personally I wouldn’t worry too much about the refeed unless I went 15 days or longer, and even then as long as you take it easy for a couple of days you should be fine.

I personally did 50 days earlier this year and my refeed was not at all a problem, though I did start slow with broth on day 1, soup and light vegetables on day 2, and then eased back into normal eating over the follwing few days. Still, I was pretty much back to normal eating by day 7-8, and it really was not nearly the problem some make it out to be. 7 days? I’ve done 6-8 days several times over the summer and did not plan out my refeed, instead just eating what I felt like having. Aside from being somewhat near a bathroom, I wouldn’t really worry about it at all.

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