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Breaking fast into Keto diet?

I’m considering breaking my fasts with a keto diet for a couple of days to keep more ‘gains’

I’ve realised after breaking my past fasts properly, I just end up binging and probably losing any of my gains / ‘rewarding’ myself with foods I shouldn’t and wouldn’t even usually be eating

Anybody else fast and keto? And any advice/tips/go to foods? (total keto noob here so any advice would be appreciated)

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Bone broth is a great way to end any fast- but especially in keeping a lo carb eating plan. Drink a cup- wait 30-60 minutes, then eat. It will ease you into food well and fill you enough so you don’t go too crazy


From what I understand Keto is a good precursor to a fast because it primes your body to be ready to burn fat ahead of time eliminating the day 2 hunger pangs that seem to be the hardest portion of fasting.


The thing about keto is that it’s really easy if you’re ok eating the same foods over and over.

Cook some spinach in a pan with some butter, throw a little cheese on there and let it melt slowly, then crack however many eggs you want on top and cook til they’re at the consistency you like. I’ll eat that with some chicken breasts almost any day of the week.


If you binge when you allow yourself to eat again, then I dont see how eating keto would have an effect. You can very easily overeat with keto as with anything else. Could a gradual increase work instead, and remove your need to reward yourself with food? Maybe go from fasting, to a third day, to a half eating day, to a normal day, and then done. This way if you feel the need to reward yourself you arent atleast in a very hungry state? Im just trying to throw the ball against the wall here, sorry if im beeing dumb or unhelpfull.

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